Chuck Norris calls for a revolution.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Debaser82, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. You think so? I don't. What about Bush's runaway deficit spending and the complete lack of regulatory oversight on his watch that brought the country to where it is today? What about the bogus war that has yet to be justified by anyone not associated with Halliburton et al? What about all of those "policies?"

    And then there are those who gave voice to their sentiment during Palin rallies and shouted "Kill him!" and "Terrorist!" at the mention of Obama. "Policies" indeed.

    If the South does ever attempt to secede, which I don't think it will, then there will likely be one overriding reason for it, and "policies" will only be the cover name for it.
    #51     Mar 10, 2009
  2. Is it really that sophomoric to call for your leaders to quit spending when the country is already trillions in debt? Is it also sophomoric to rebel against leaders who do what they never told Americans they would do?

    You are the sophomoric one for wanting a leader to bankrupt the shit out of your own nation.
    #52     Mar 10, 2009
  3. Apparently you don't know that McVeigh was a veteran who hated America because of our participation in the Gulf War. IOW's McVeigh was a de facto war protester.....

    And what IS worse? A nut job killing a 168 people or the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT killing 80 of it's citizens at Waco?
    #53     Mar 10, 2009
  4. Yes, I knew that. But no doubt some soldiers will be bitter when Obama sends them home. Indeed, some are angry now and do not even consider him their commander and chief. These are the kind of unstable elements that should concern all law-abiding Americans. Especially if they cannot get jobs when they get home.

    I would say the nutjob.

    Some of the most honorable people I know work for the Federal government (a family friend protected Vice President Cheney for a number of years--saw him on TV on January 20), and some of the most disturbed people I know are right-wing white supremacist extremists who are stockpiling guns and food for the "revolution."

    Yes, I am referring to another family friend.
    #54     Mar 10, 2009
  5. It is ironic that Chuck Norris supported Republican Mike Huckabee and is now calling for sedition.

    The party of Lincoln indeed.
    #55     Mar 10, 2009
  6. Chuck Norris's whole life has been a series of fending off one make believe threat after another ...seriously. God and our forefathers ...his whole belief system is informed by ghosts and figments.
    #56     Mar 10, 2009

  7. I will admit up front that I have an extreme, deep distrust of government. It is my bias, and a sin that I try to control.

    I will also add that I would assume that given the gigantic size of the federal government, that a few honorable hard working individuals do indeed exist.

    It is my experience of dealing with these people for decades, that most are lazy, lying, incompetent, go along to get along tax dollar sucking leeches, waiting for either the next paid holiday or retirement.

    Anyone who feeds their families off the sweat of others ( the military being the only exception ), should be ashamed of themselves, and should endeavor to get a "real" livelyhood as soon as practical.

    You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but a government that can willfully, and without remorse murder its citizens, is nothing more than a rabid animal.

    Wow, that felt good.........
    #57     Mar 10, 2009
  8. Lucrum


    What about Obama's EVEN MORE runaway deficit spending?
    Or is it somehow different if it's spent on liberal pet projects?

    Not all but much of that lack of oversight was congressional democrats. Ignoring that fact is simply spinning history to suite yourself.

    I assume you meant " that brought YOUR country to where it is today?"
    #58     Mar 10, 2009
  9. Lucrum


    If you can afford first class and checked bags, your on.
    #59     Mar 10, 2009
  10. Suggesting I "rent John Adams" is just one indicator that you are from the "I learned everything from TV" generation...

    Yes, sophomoric to suggest that Adams and company would act today in relation to our own government they formed to the way they acted against King George...

    #60     Mar 10, 2009