Chuck Hughes Strategies

Discussion in 'Options' started by chilty, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. Fuck Chuck Hughes!

    Bucktoothed goofy-grinning ass douchebag!

    What a scumbag marketing faggot!!/OrkInet
    Any of us long term trading veterans could could go to Oceanside, CA (their phone room headquarters) and drinking a 1/2 pint of Gin each night on the phone (while abusing prospects that asked probing questions), after 90 days we could be their top salesman--guaranteed!

    I will post this to other trading forums.

    I bet Chuck Hughes is a short man with a tiny dick!


    #31     May 7, 2012
  2. Hola my fellow pimps!
    Will anyone reply to my query, eh? BTW--I sent this email with no expectations. I work about 15 hours a week and my trading partner and I have more free time than many 8 figure money men that have to commute to the office and do that daily grind 'thing'--thus, my reasons to ask them the good questions, right?

    Oh yes!
    Hi Adrienne,

    Could you respond to this? Please feel free to pass this onto a senior member (not salesman) of Chuck Hughes's website (or Chuck himself). I cannot email his website.

    I am a 27+ year full-time trader always looking to 'diversify' with PROVEN profitable strategies.

    Tell you what. If Chuck Hughes 'silver-platter' membership will autotrade people's accounts (don't tell me he can't) and then

    SHOWS exactly what his roi%/on margin or how he calculates it according to 'industry' roi% on 'suggested margin'; then I would be a bit more interested. The following numbers (from the advertisement at the bottom of this email) are illusory and purely hypothetical if

    a) they can't be replicated in one's own account (see my comments under the dashed lines--more specifically speaking to the issue of 'no-volume' reported fills etc...

    b) Chuck makes money but you as a paid subscriber looking for exact instructions and 'fill-able' orders but frequently one's 'shadow' trades make nowhere NEAR what Chuck's broker statements show.

    Finally, I respect Chuck; he must be making huge coin--just looking for full disclosure and clarity. Again, I am a 27+ year full-time trader and unless you are marketing to strict new'ish' investors; I would be interested (seriously) in his programs--but (read below and the links); I am hesitant when I read such DETAILED documentation.

    Please respond with your side of the conversation.
    Start from the earliest post--early Jan '12 (scroll to bottom of page). Read all the post from oldest to newest.
    Another link.

    Kind Regards,

    #32     May 16, 2012
  3. Do you have proof he is a crook?. Please post it.

    He makes a point of showing real statements and real tax filings with the IRS. (I have checked and they are real). I doubt he makes those returns with the tools he shows. Something doesn't fit. For me that's always a warning of a scam. I started another thread before seeing this one. Take care.
    #33     Feb 28, 2015
  4. Chuck Hughes won the last 5 International Trading Championships.
    But so did Rob Hoffman.
    And I think 5 others?
    #34     Apr 21, 2017
  5. birdman


    #35     Jun 20, 2017
  6. You know what I can't understand?

    The people who allegedly are most adamant about "exposing all the scams" by the so-called trading gurus seem to be the most angry.

    They use the most obscene, angry, emotionally charged words and go way downhill to what are called "ad-hominem" attacks on the alleged scam artist.

    These so-called scam artist exposers usually go on to tell about how many years THEY HAVE BEEN successfully trading.

    Could THEY be lying about THEIR success?

    If they were so successful, what are they so angry about?

    I do know a couple of people who have tried out Chuck Hughes. I know an airline pilot who worked with Chuck. "That is what Chuck did" before he became a trading guru.

    There were not spectacular results. One guy made about 6% in a year and a half with Chuck. Another woman lost about $400 on a $10,000 account.

    Chuck made money. LOL

    Is that a scam?

    If it were all any of these elite trader ranters would have to do is call an attorney friend of mine who works with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

    In a couple of months they would put Chuckie out of business.

    No one has to scream and use foul language to make a point.

    My husband is very successful trading. I am not a trader.

    He has NEVER POSTED anything on any chat room or trading rant service.

    Know why? He is too freaking busy.

    He is also a member of a group that I think is sleazier than day trading alert services.


    He is a very successful attorney. Made millions.

    He has no time to go here and curse at trading room gurus or other chat room members.

    It does not put a dime in his pocket.

    I went online here to see if I can pick up any IDEAS on how to trade successfully on my own.

    It would be very easy to just do what my husband does, but I like my independence.

    Before getting married I had a very successful practice in a different profession.

    Donald Trump made "anger" work very well for his campaign. BUT EVERYONE knows he is already successful.

    We can't accuse the Donald of being a jealous, unsuccessful loser who just wants to attack others.

    Not sure about all the angry people who populate this website.
    #36     Jul 1, 2017
    traderlux and birdman like this.
  7. birdman


    #37     Jul 1, 2017
  8. jolie64


    I downloaded the free ebook, (Hughes optioneering )
    First of all his trading examples are from 10 years ago which I found odd since he heavily markets on CNBC, why not update your trading examples?
    Second, the strategies he uses are beginner basic stuff...the numbers are inflated and I'm not sure the statements are authentic because the numbers don't seem to add up! I just happened to verify these two symbols EEV and EFU back on the dates they were purchased (8/26/2008) EEV was trading around $460 not $96 and EFU around $425, not $107and subsequently sold on 9/15/2008 again for some fake way off numbers that don't jive with reality!
    I read some guys here wrote that they verified his statements and tax returns and his accolades! I honestly don't know how they were able to do that, I could not find anything on google to prove his claims!
    Anyway, it does not matter. I am glad I looked at the free e-book before signing up for his service!

    Take care and happy trading!!
    #38     Sep 1, 2017
  9. Take a look at this page on his website -

    This information on this page alone can tell you a lot about his trading "knowledge".

    "Chuck Hughes’ risk management strategy involves at least a 4:1 risk to reward ratio. This ratio utilizes low-risk investments in order to protect your money and achieve a high level of portfolio risk management. The reward to risk ratio works based upon this premise: the higher the ratio, the lower the risk is compared to the potential return on investment. Conversely, the lower the ratio, the higher the risk is compared to the potential return on investment."

    What he "forgets" to tell you is that good risk/reward means low probability of success and vice versa. There are a lot of good trading systems with bad risk/reward but high probability of success.

    For example, when you buy OTM spread, you will usually have a good risk/reward (you can buy a $10 spread for $2, so you risk $2 to make $8). But that means low deltas, hence low probably of success.

    When you buy ITM spread, you will have bad risk/reward (you can pay $8 for $10 spread, so you risk $8 to make $2). But your probability of success would be very high.

    Read more: Risk Reward Or Probability Of Success?

    In trading, there is always a trade-off. You will have to choose between a good risk-reward and a high probability of success. You cannot have both.

    Whoever is telling you that you must have a good risk reward without the context of probabilities, is misleading you. However, this is what people want to hear, and it sells subscriptions very well.

    Do You Still Believe In Fairy Tales? I guess some people do.
    #39     Sep 2, 2017
  10. You don't need Options or Options knowledge to profit from this premise (assuming it actually works and he's not cherry-picking the trades he shows)
    Does he go into how to minimize time decay while waiting for these moves to occur? What is his overall portfolio's directional approach? Does he show portfolio wide beta-weighed delta? What happens if IV keeps going down as it has done for a long time so far? How is he hedging his Vega risk?
    I would classify this as another stock-picker service that could win some, lose some and overall would be about even minus fees after a certain period. Of course if I show only my winning trades I would look like I belong in mount Olympus and so would anyone here
    #40     Sep 4, 2017