christian scholars: christians have heaven wrong. there is no mansion in the sky.

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by Free Thinker, May 21, 2012.

  1. stu


    Why not.
    Chances are they're the reason you'd be stuck in a foxhole.
    #11     May 22, 2012
  2. That book is utter fuckery! Norway is in a vanguard position; ready to ban religion. I dig my ancestors (on my mom's side).

    "In a move that has taken many by surprise, the Norwegian Parliament is set to separate church and state when it carries a constitutional amendment to abolish the Church of Norway. The nation will become secular, with no official religion, and the government will not participate in the appointment of church deans and bishops. Svein Harberg, the spokesman for the Church, Education, and Research Committee stated that the decision is historic both for the Norwegian Church and for the politicians in Parliament."


    #12     May 22, 2012
  3. How did you arrive at the conclusion that you decide what I should teach my children?

    Speaking of "competing". Competition is next door not across the world. coke and Pepsi compete against each other, or Burger King and McDonalds. The Ceo's of these companies could give a rats ass about Garden of Eden or China.
    #13     May 22, 2012
  4. what has happened to deep thinking in this country? so, if the ceo of these companies has need for a few great scientists and it turns out that real science isnt taught anymore. christians have taken over education and they dislike science because it falsifies their god so they have eliminated it and instead taught their children that if something is unknown it has to be because"god did it". can you concieve of any damage to our country from such willful ignorance?

    We Have A Responsibility…as unbelievers, we have a responsibility to the future of our species to do whatever we can to disseminate the science and eliminate the myth.

    Arthur C. Clarke: I would defend the liberty of consenting adult creationists to practice whatever intellectual perversions they like in the privacy of their own homes; but it is also necessary to protect the young and innocent.
    #14     May 22, 2012