Chris Mathews gets his ass kicked

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. Maverick74


    RCG, I'm curious, you usually bring up the storm front joke when race gets discussed. Which I think of course is completely out of line, but that's fine. But why did you use that line on a discussion about Chris Mathews? What does Storm Front have to do with that?
    #21     Nov 19, 2011
  2. Mav, didnt use it Chris Matthews, used it on some posters of which they have clearly shown a pattern of displaying racist tendencies.
    #22     Nov 19, 2011
  3. Maverick74


    Just so I can keep track, who are they? I'm really curious. Sometimes you make the mistake of "implying" that the entire right side of the spectrum are card carrying members. Of course I and anyone else on this board who supports free markets take offense to that even though I know it's not directed at me personally. But seriously, who are the racist members of ET? Or this thread for that matter.
    #23     Nov 19, 2011
  4. see the post by...perplexed, to start, and tell me how that is not racist:D

    I will use the sentence, "Mav, do you see this?" henceforth:)
    #24     Nov 19, 2011
  5. Maverick74


    OK, perplexed appears to be a racist pile of shit. I'll give you that. But you were indicting most of the thread. So was there another poster? I honestly don't know where that perplexed came from. I've never seen him down here. For all I know he is another one of these left wing trolls like Jake that try to stir up trouble.
    #25     Nov 19, 2011
  6. Maverick74


    This was the comment I took offense to. Pretty much the norm here at storm front? I was wrong though. You were not indicting the center right guys on this thread but the entire center right spectrum in P&R.
    #26     Nov 19, 2011
  7. Center right guys who are not racist can attack policies without claiming the President is not an American, or that he is gay, or that his wife is fat and ugly, etc. These kinds of attacks are unique to this President, and I will call them out when I see them.

    Otherwise, the center right, center left are the people who will shape this nation going forward.
    #27     Nov 19, 2011
  8. For example, Lucrum, that fat, closet homo, racist sack of shit suggested that the assassin be given another chance to accomplish his goal.
    #28     Nov 19, 2011
  9. Maverick74


    I've seen a pic of Lucrum. He is not fat. He has also expressed a keen eye for the fairer sex. So I doubt he is a homo. So you are wrong on the first two, might you also be wrong on the third?

    Look RCG, I was afraid this would happen when Obama got elected. Because he is black, I knew any criticism of him would be construed as racist therefore making him an untouchable, which is unacceptable being the President. We have to be able to criticize our leaders.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that Lucrum would have the same amount of vitriol if Hilary was President or even Al Gore. Some people just don't like Obama just as some people don't like Bush.

    Remember when that documentary came out a few years about Bush getting assassinated? The liberals lined up in NY and CA to see that film and applauded it. This was a sitting President RCG getting cheers in an art house theater for being shot and killed. What do you think would happen if that film was made today except showing Obama being killed. Everyone in that theater would be deemed a racist or anyone who applauded the film.

    Don't take criticism of Obama so seriously. As a self described libertarian, you should be critical of him. All of us should. Not because he is black. Look, how many republicans criticize Condoleezza Rice or Clarence Thomas or Alan Keyes or Elder for that matter? None of them do. It's not about skin color, it's about politics.
    #29     Nov 19, 2011
  10. I haven't watched Matthews near as much as you so I'll go with what you're saying. Even so that Elder was about the biggest jerk I've heard in a long time. About the only political talk guys I can listen to regularly are Cobert and Stewart and Louie CK.
    #30     Nov 19, 2011