Chris Christie Slams SCOTUS DOMA Ruling

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    He picked the wrong one to cross sides on, id way rather he crossed the aisle on these meaningless social issues that have no effect on me, than cross the aisle on a huge government program which is going to bankrupt us.
    #11     Jun 27, 2013
  2. piezoe


    He's on the wrong side of history. Sort of like being on the wrong side of the market. We know what happens then.:D
    #12     Jun 27, 2013
  3. jem


    Excellent observation.

    Its really annoying and detrimental for the country that some justices try to do justice and follow the constitution (most of the time) and the other judges just try to be progressive.

    Roberts better watch out or they will be even more talk of states rights and nullification. His decision on Obamacare is going to turn out to be a really bad one for his legacy and the courts. I am sure scalia told him so.

    #13     Jun 28, 2013
  4. pspr


    I think one of the questions asked by liberal presidents like Obama and probably Clinton is, "Are you willing to vote based on liberal ideology over the words in the Constitution written by a few white men over 200 years ago?"

    A 'yes' answer is required for nomination.
    #14     Jun 28, 2013
  5. fhl


    I just read an article that said that almost three dozen states currently have constitutional amendments against same sex marriage, and therefore there are only a couple more states that can legalize it that haven't already done so.

    So what is the left going to do? Will they make this a federal vs states rights issue and attempt to cram it down on states by making them change their constitution? I feel certain that they will try. And will a wannabe Lincoln attempt to make them do it by force if necessary?

    There are a lot of things that the dept of homeland security has bought a billion bullets for and i figure this is just one more of them.

    I doubt that the dhs will use any of their bullets if or when blacks go on a threatened rampage if Zimmerman is acquitted. No, those bullets have certain names on them, and Negro is not one of them. Ask the IRS. Then can tell you who the targets are.
    #15     Jun 28, 2013
  6. pspr


    Good point. I think you are right that the feds will enforce gay rights based on equal rights for classes of people. This is a very slippery slope SCOTUS has opened up. Just like declaring the Obamacare mandate for insurance a tax. Even drug users are an oppressed class of people as are smokers.

    The country is going to hell in a hand basket rather quickly.
    #16     Jun 28, 2013
  7. fhl


    No sooner did i write this post and then i see this on drudge:


    DETROIT (AP) — A federal judge on Friday blocked Michigan's ban on domestic partner benefits for employees who work for public schools or local governments, saying state lawmakers simply wanted to punish gays and lesbians.

    It's already starting.
    #17     Jun 28, 2013