Chinese guy who committed suicide at Facebook

Discussion in 'App Development' started by Aquarians, Sep 28, 2019.

  1. Don't remember the article, just Google it.

    Opinions from a crowd of wiser than the crowd people :) What do you think?

    1) Was his fault.
    2) Was system's fault (some call it "fascist" as in to like you didn't already know how fucked up and rotten the system is).
    3) Was part system part guy's fault.
    4) We're programmers so two bits, two locations, there's always 00: there was nobody's fault.
    5) Complex numbers (where with my math PhD I'm positioning myself but if you know bit of complex you know it doesn't negate all the two bits on two axes before, rather it builds upon them).

    So what. Up?
  2. Cuddles


    I'm not familiar, sounds like a dime a dozen suicide. What's so special?
  3. cvds16


    suicide doesn't always need a reason. It can just be the chemicals in your brain that are off.
  4. southall


    I dont know the rules in US but some say it is the H1B Visa system that traps these guys.

  5. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    He obviously got to the point where he felt like his life had become a miserable mess, and therefore it wasn't worth living any more. Ultimately, each person is responsible for his own well being... not management, coworkers, friends, or family. When a man ties his happiness to everything that happens around him, all it takes is for life to throw him a few unexpected curveballs to bring him to a point of inner misery. The real trick it seems, is to find inner joy that is detached from outside circumstances since you can't control what life throws at you, but you can certainly control how you handle it all.

    The saddest part is that aside from his close family members, nobody really cares that he jumped off a building and killed himself because everybody is so busy trying to manage their own lives.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2019
  6. zdreg


    "There but for Fortunate go You or I."
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
  7. guru


  8. the toxic environment at facebook makes coworkers feel like enemy to each other. each year, 10% under-performer has to leave. I will never work in that kind of environment, which is stressful and not good to one's health.
  9. ironchef


  10. gaussian


    #10     Sep 29, 2019