Chinese Company Buying G.M.’s Hummer Brand

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by pod11432, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. No not only in America, anywhere. Give the Europeans a chance to drive them and get rid of their excessive gas tax and they would be driving them big time. The arabs love the hell out of them too. I lived in Korea for 4 years and Koreans loved them too. The only trend towards small fuel efficient cars is amongst liberal elites are trying to dictate how everyone else lives their life.

    Do you think Obama is into them? Look at the amount of gas he sucked down for dinner and a broadway show. A little bit of 'do as I say not as I do'.
    #11     Jun 3, 2009
  2. The auto market is absolutely trending towards smaller, fuel efficient cars. Where have you been? That being said, if they can make an SUV that is as fuel efficient as a smaller, compact car then yes, people will choose the SUV. With the price of oil still climbing, you will here more and more about the small, fuel efficient trend.

    Large vehicles aren't very practical in most countries except North America where we have large roads, lots of room etc. Can you picture a bunch of Hummers driving down the narrow streets of Europe? Not likely.
    #12     Jun 3, 2009
  3. Everywhere. Those who can afford not to, don't.
    #13     Jun 3, 2009
  4. There is a difference between "are buying" and "would prefer to buy".
    #14     Jun 3, 2009
  5. Absolutely. No question in my mind that most would prefer a larger vehicle. If cost wasn't an issue (low gas prices), then fuel efficient vehicles get put on the back burner. But if oil keeps climbing, it's just not worth the cost of gas to drive a guzzling SUV.

    Disclaimer - I drive a V8 Thunderbird.
    #15     Jun 3, 2009
  6. Is there any thought about the ossible military applications for the Hummer? I really don't know if that's a concern, just wondering. Will we be able to keep our vast fleet in proper working order? I guess as long as they keep the plants here in the U.S. we'll be ok, just a thought.

    #16     Jun 3, 2009
  7. [​IMG]

    This is the big wheels europeans like to drive.

    #17     Jun 3, 2009
  8. I think there are many ways this Hummer franchise could do well. There will be north american demand for sure, the middle east is a big market since gas prices are dirt cheap there, plus china. Then there is the market for armored cars, military, etc.

    It also remains to be seen what the government will do with GM's truck/SUV line. Certainly a lot of former GM truck customers will not want any part of a government and union owned and operated company, so there is another source of demand for Hummer.

    This is not a brand that has to sell millions of vehicles a year. They own a particular market niche, and I don't see it going away.
    #18     Jun 3, 2009
  9. If they return the Hummer to its indestructible, de-blinged, 50-cal-mountable, go-anywhere roots, and improved the reliability, they'd sell zillions of them. Maybe scale it down to 7/8 size, as it is a big beast.

    But it's got to be a legit off road threat again if it's going to have a chance...
    #19     Jun 3, 2009
  10. What a sh*ty mobil. Check this:

    <img src="">
    #20     Jun 3, 2009