Chinese Business Culture and Cheating Foreigners

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by DallasCowboysFan, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. i am on the list too, because i posted some anti-china comments in youtube, in some propaganda videos, then now i cannot log into youtube! fuck china
    #11     Oct 10, 2019

  2. I wonder what would happen if I watched a pro - free Taiwan video and made a comment about independence. I am going to try it.

    What irks me is that people are always quick to villify the Rockefellers, Ford family and George Herbert Bush that was father to George H W Bush (41), for doing business with the Nazis before WW2 started and it was a legitimate business exchange.

    But people were not aware of Hitler's intentions and we did not have mass media with instant news that we do today.

    But Chairman XI and his hench men have been in charge of China for 30 years and everyone knows that he killed millions of second born children with forced abortions, discriminates against second born children, imprisons a million Muslims in Western China, has illegally occupied territory belonging to other nations with a ridiculous 9 dash line theory and built permanent aircraft carriers in the middle of the ocean for offensive purposes. Fails to protect intellectual property of other nations, uses rivers and the oceans as an open sewer, kills political opponents, seizes private businesses when they become too successful, kills prisoners to sell their organs, prosecutes Falun Gong and other religious organizations, and many more human rights abuses.

    If I continued to list all of their indiscretions, I would run out of pixels.

    But the NBA wants to silence its members because they are losing money. Big deal.
    The NBA has become China's biatch. They don't care what happens to other people as long as they make money. They are no different from the big pharma industries that push opiods and addictive, mood altering drugs. I could go on, but the NBA sucks for doing this. The posture that Adam Silver has taken is alien to me.........

    Hmmmm, wait a minute........


    #12     Oct 10, 2019