China's trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade

Discussion in 'Economics' started by dealmaker, Apr 7, 2018.

  1. dealmaker


    vanzandt, comagnum, niko79542 and 4 others like this.
  2. The Chinese companies are very fair in their business dealing with other countries. Unlike European and American companies, they do not interfere in other countries internal affairs and they give the host country a fair business deal, that is why their companies are winning the trading war in Africa and south America.

    Unlike the CEOs of the US companies, the Chinese CEOs' salaries do not mount to 100X or more of what the average worker in the company makes, thus low overhead, which translates to cheaper products.

    In China if a CEO of a company cheats or is convicted of some sort of corruption he gets the firing squad. In the United States, we give him a golden parachute! (How many of those bankers got prosecuted?)

    History and common sense tells us that to win a war, you have to wage one battle at time and you have to pick the right place and time before you wage it, in other words, only a Moran will fight all his battles at the same. (Europe, Canada, Mexico, China, North Korea and Stormy Daniel!:sneaky:

    O Well, guess whom we got for president!
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2018
    eliteubertrader likes this.
  3. america must rise up now or it will be too late
  4. Peter8519


    Venezuela needs the money.
  5. Cuddles


  6. JSOP


    Yes ignoring all the genocide committed by those warlords in Africa as long as they are willing to sell their gold and resources. Nicely done, China!
  7. JSOP


    Yes ONLY when they don't have the right "backing" higher up.
  8. JSOP


    So instead of invading countries with troops and drones, China just invades them with money (money that they made from the consumers in America and all the western countries) by first seducing them with money and once they are hooked but can't pay back, China just takes over the whole country.

    I am starting to see the merit of Trump's tariffs. He's not really starting a trade war; it's China's retaliation that's turning it into a trade war.
    #10     Apr 9, 2018