China to Purchase $1 Trillion In Gold

Discussion in 'Economics' started by bearice, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. Please check
    #11     Apr 30, 2011
  2. Elder000


    #12     Apr 30, 2011
  3. 300,000 Tons of Gold and other treasures

    This gold find in the 1940's would have crushed the value of monetary gold around the world, per Weir. Because the US Government was the largest holder of monetary gold, it would have significantly devalued the US monetary reserves if made public . Too, its revelation would allow claims from certain Asian countries that the gold belonged to them. This would upset the balance of power and wealth in the region.
    #13     Apr 30, 2011
  4. If nobody is selling gold and china is purchasing 20,500 Tonnes of gold then gold price will increase high.

    But if some country or somebody (Bearice) is selling 20,500 Tons of gold and China is purchasing 20,500 Tons gold then gold price will be more or less the same. Correct me if I am wrong.
    #14     Apr 30, 2011
  5. Elder000


    Hey I am not saying there was never gold.

    Yes there was plenty of gold.

    US government also took gold from citizens and melted into bars. That too added to gold holdings.

    But that was ancient history buddy.

    There is no gold today. Gold is gone, Gold is spent on the biggest military buildup on planet Earth. US military has 800 basses around the world.

    GATA seeks audit of MYTHICAL, Fort Knox gold

    As many know, the (supposed) hoard of U.S. gold at Fort Knox has not been independently audited for over fifty years. It goes without saying that if the U.S. actually has the gold it claims to have there could be no possible reason for preventing independent verification.

    Ron Paul Calls for Audit of U.S. Gold Reserves

    According to Rep. Ron Paul: "Our Federal Reserve admits to nothing, and they should prove all the gold is there. There is a reason to be suspicious, and even if you are not suspicious, why wouldn't you have an audit?”

    The Mystery of Ft. Knox. What Do They Have to Hide?

    At every turn when the government was asked to provide proof of either the amount of gold they have left, or the quality of it, they have answered with lies and evasions. They have been acting like they have something to hide.
    In a few months we'll "celebrate" the 40th anniversary of the day when the US Government declared bankruptcy. Oh, they didn't call it that at the time. But what happened on August 15, 1971 was that the US defaulted on its promise to pay gold for dollars. It is now clear that they didn't have very much gold left to pay.
    #15     Apr 30, 2011
  6. You are wrong...someone is always buying and selling...the price goes up when there are more buyers and down when there are more sellers
    #16     Apr 30, 2011
  7. Just randomly google "IMF China and gold plated tungsten".
    #17     Apr 30, 2011
  8. Visaria


    That's good news for us Londoners! :D

    We've taken all your gold, mwahaha!!!!

    P.S. What are Bank Of England Rothschild holders?
    #18     Apr 30, 2011
  9. Elder000


    If your last name isn't Rothschild or Morgan or Warburg or Rockefeller.

    Then you my friend did not take any gold.

    Gold taken by (currently) British Jews such as Rothschilds will not help a single Briton when push comes to shove and Britain faces collapse.

    How sad that average Briton doesn't even know that Queen is below Rothschilds in elite hierarchy.

    And one thing you can Absolutely bet your money, is They all have nothing but contempt for common man.

    If you take the time to watch this, you will be 30 years ahead of your peers in understanding
    #19     Apr 30, 2011
  10. Poster: China can field an army of 200 million men

    China has had a long history of being the economic trading superpower of the world, perhaps they are attempting to rule the world economically again. Can we stop it? We do have a large army but we are already sick of these resource wars and the Chinese have an unlimited surplus of young fighting age men with no wives to be able to send anywhere in the world it is fact that they have boasted that they can field an army of 200 million men...
    #20     Apr 30, 2011