China to be world's 4th biggest economy after GDP revision

Discussion in 'Economics' started by wincorp, Dec 20, 2005.

  1. the Japanese did similar tricks in giving themselves the highest banking and risk ratings possible....

    until their currency collapsed against other currencies and the supposed financial stability of their banks showed that it was hollow.....
    #11     Dec 21, 2005
  2. Americans and Europeans should enjoy goods while they last. Soon, the Japs will tire of carrying these peoples, and, instead, turn to China. Once China develops a liquid and transparent bond market, the Japs will shun US and EC debt in favor of PRC. Then, BOJ--followed by every hedge fund on the planet--will dump US and EC debt along with their respective currencies. At that point, US and EC won't have to worry about Japanese and Chinese trade surpluses: both won't ship goods to EC and US, because EC and US won't have any money. What difference does it make to Toyota president whether he sells Camrys in Los Angeles or Beijing? What difference would it make to BOJ president whether he lends $500 BB to Washington or Beijing?

    Americans and Europeans make little of value. Michael Dell makes money only because Taiwanese, Japanese and Koreans give him stuff to sell. Tokyo doesn't need Michael Dell; Michael Dell needs Tokyo. Walmart is very like Dell. Americans only borrow money from Tokyo and buy Japanese goods; Americans themselves add little value and make little.
    #12     Dec 21, 2005

  3. Japan and China have a long and troubled history that you seem to be unaware of. (Just today, look at Japan's statements regarding their view of China as a military threat.) The idea that China, a communist dictatorship, is going to develop a "liquid and transparent bond market" that the Japanese and others are going to flock to is ludicrous.

    "Americans and Europeans make little of value." Your entire rant is far more emotional than rational.
    #13     Dec 22, 2005