China Starts To Manufacture Airplanes And Boeing Layoffs People!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by misterno, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. Please stop the globilization


    Boeing cutting 900 jobs in Calif as orders drop

    On Thursday January 20, 2011, 12:45 pm
    LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) -- Dwindling domestic demand for C-17 cargo planes will force Boeing Co. to slash 1,100 jobs at its U.S. plants, most of them in Long Beach where the aerospace giant has cut 13,000 jobs since the 1990s, the company said Thursday.

    The 900 jobs in Long Beach and 200 jobs at plants in Mesa, Ariz., Macon, Ga., and St. Louis will be cut by the end of next year.

    The cuts include accountants, midlevel management, engineering, research and assembly line workers. Affected workers will receive 60-day notices beginning Friday, with layoffs staggered monthly through 2012.

    Boeing said it will assist affected workers in trying to land positions elsewhere in the company.

    The C-17 has been a military workhorse since production began in 1993. The U.S. Air Force has purchased 206 to date, with others owned by Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

    India and Kuwait have placed orders for a combined 11 aircraft. If approved as expected in coming months, the deal with India's Air Force should keep the Long Beach production line in operation through 2013.

    In Long Beach, the Boeing work force has dwindled from 20,000 employees in the 1990s to less than 7,000.

    Downsizing is necessary to slow the C-17 production schedule -- from 14 aircraft annually to 10 -- and keep plants operating with a smaller work force while international orders are sought for the plane, Boeing said.

    "I've been working on the C-17 for 20 years and I personally know a lot of the great people who work on this, so it's weighing heavily on me," C-17 program manager Bob Ciesla said in a statement. "But it's simply something that needed to be done."

    Boeing has been restructuring its operations in Long Beach. It recently announced the transfer 800 engineering and research positions to Oklahoma by the end of the year as well as the shutdown of a 160-employee parts warehouse in Carson, Calif., this summer.

    Employees were told of the latest layoffs Wednesday.

    "Between this and recent layoffs at the warehouse facility, it's been overwhelming. The jobs are just drying up," said Stan Klemchuck, president of United Aerospace Workers Local 148, which represents about 1,700 workers in Long Beach.

    In a statement, Mayor Bob Foster said it was disappointing.

    "Our rich history of aerospace manufacturing makes this an emotional day for Long Beach, as the C-17 plant is the last of what was previously a robust aerospace manufacturing industry in California," Foster said.
  2. Who are you pleading to? What makes you think it's even possible?
  3. The cost of doing business just keeps going up in Kalifornia, I am not surprised.

    My Mom bought a new Vizio 42"" for about $500 and she had to pay a $125 recycling fee! WTF? Does anyone think that money is actually going for the environment?

    My cousin works for Valero. He said they are now working out the logistics of moving refining to Chindia because the cost of refining is so high due to taxes and regulations. He will be out of job in about 3 years.
  4. What does globalization have to do with it? Countries like the U.S and other countries only need so many planes. Plus with the pentagon making huge cuts in military spending to try keep govt spending in check and the natl. deficit from sending us over the brink, downsizing in aero manufacturing is just a part of the business cycle.

    I guess you never studied macro economics did you?
  5. I hope their better quality than the chinese power drill I just bought. The motor failed after 30 minutes:D
  6. I've flown on a few of Asian airlines:

    King Fischer rocks!

    What I don't understand is how they can offer inter country flights when converted to dollars for less than our airport security fees.

    Boeing has a bigger market in Asia and has to compete with Govt subsidized manufacturers. As a Boeing shareholder I have no problem with them moving their entire operations overseas if the value of my shares go up.

    I think people fail to realize US corporations unlike US citizens have no duty of loyalty to the US. Their only motive is to maximize profits.

    Moving everything overseas with govt subsidies, tax breaks and cheap labor would maximize my share value.

    Think about it for a second:

    Foreign Governments provide free land and subsidize the build out cost.
    Provide tax breaks for 15 years and compliance wavers for labor laws.
    Raw Materials are at least 50% less and general laborers are less than 10% the US cost.

    US Suppliers will need to compete with Foreign suppliers and will likely follow them offshore to retain their account.

    Just like GM... These corps are shrewd. GM opens factories overseas, hiring foreign workers selling cars to foreigners and our Govt and taxpayers subsidize $6k.

    Boeing has a big stick and they will cherry pick the best deals.

    This is the finest example of capitalism... Be competitive or die.

  7. loza

    loza Guest

    Well not to stop globalization but the Swiss and Germans manage it better, they do not have a sell-out criminal class MBAs, mafia lawyers in Congress and stupid sheep population....
  8. Exports of Boeing is huge in value

    Losing airplane manufacturing industry to China is not the same as losing the toy industry

    And yes I know Macro Economics very well