China: "If they're not going to do it, we're going to force them" US Senator says

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by jjj1000, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. b197797


    Come on, waterboard chinese, and I will beat your shit out of you.
    #61     Mar 19, 2010
  2. b197797


    Coolweb, why don't you start trying to torture Chinese now? I want to see your stupid head to be slapped into a pig head.
    #62     Mar 19, 2010
  3. b197797


    If you do that, I am sure Zhang and his ten chinese friends will smash your ass into sauce and smear it over your face.
    #63     Mar 19, 2010
  4. I have nothing to do with the torturing of your people
    That senator and some congressmen rep is the one thats going to force you to revalue your yuan,

    I'm just a dood on a message board, don't look at me.
    #64     Mar 19, 2010
  5. china was ready to let the rmb appreciate against the dollar, their language at the time was very clear.

    Then the us did 3 things 1) sold some chopper to taiwen 2) met dalai lama 3) publicly state if china dont(appreciate their currency), we will force them

    Now there is little chance china will do anything dramatic this year on the currency, they eventually still will appreciate the rmb just pushed it back.

    those morons at washington should just kept their mouth shut, the more they try to threaten china to appreciate their currency, the worst it will get. Unlike 5-10 years back, china already realized as part of a major player in the world economy its currency issue must be fixed, they will do it slowly and cautiously just as they have always done.

    All those moronic threats from those idiot senators will only slow it down, because if china appreciates its currency after some us govt made a threat, it would seems china backed down. And chinese govt will soon bankrupt their economy than been seen as bowing to the us.
    #65     Mar 21, 2010
  6. I know that this may sound simplistic but we should send the Chicoms -and the rest of the world-a message of economic
    reciprocity: So as you do for us, we will do for you in terms of bilateral trade. If you erect onerous barriers and tarriffs on our exported goods, we will do the same for your imported goods.
    The USA will no longer be bitched-slapped by onesided trade
    arrangements that are detrimental to our economic interests.
    #66     Mar 21, 2010