China Government ‘Strongly Opposes’ U.S. Tire Tariff Imposition

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by ASusilovic, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. Lethn


    LOL and how is exactly is putting tariffs on all goods from China going to help America not only financially but diplomatically?

    With a large chunk of American forces being in territories so close to the country China's going to be thinking that somethings up. Mark my words, pissing off China would be the biggest mistake that America could ever make, it would make Vietnam look like a small skirmish.
    #11     Sep 12, 2009
  2. There is an old saying "never bite the hand that feeds you".

    It seems our representatives in Washington have forgotten who is actually providing credit to the USA.

    Trust me China won't take this lying down....expect Timmy G. to in Beijing in a few weeks on hands and knees.
    #12     Sep 12, 2009
  3. Lethn


    I agree, quite frankly I'm scared shi*less of a WW3 happening in my time and looking at the way American forces are so close to China etc. I just know things are going to get tense.

    Hopefully human's common sense will win out in the end but I'm wondering who it will be if America and China end up not willing to reconcile?
    #13     Sep 12, 2009
  4. There is no rational definition of "free trade" consistent with "no tariffs for a giant economy with an unconvertible currency". What the US has with China is unsustainable and bad for the US.

    Now, while still in a position of strength, the US needs to insist on either China having a fully convertible currency, or facing steep tariffs. Anything else is a de facto tariff on domestically produced goods(!), which is as moronic a trade policy as can exist.

    Otherwise the current trade idiocy will kill the US economy.
    #14     Sep 12, 2009
  5. Lethn


    I'm not sure I see it to be honest since most of the financial difficulties America got into was entirely it's own fault. Also, America is in NO position to insist on anything or make demands, it's practically a third world country right now and it demanding anything is like a spoilt child b*tching at its parents.

    Now I'm just nervously waiting to see whether China will either tell it to shut up and not give it anything or will China give America a smack upside the head.
    #15     Sep 12, 2009
  6. Yes, of course, America's difficulties are entirely a result of its own actions and choices. And one of those harmful choices was an irrational trade policy.

    "Free trade" with between any two large economies is unsustainable unless either the two economies are very similar, or there is also a free flow of labor across the borders. The current situation could also be fixed by simply opening the doors to Chinese migrants, but that is a political impossibility.

    China cannot hurt the US.

    Not yet.
    #16     Sep 12, 2009
  7. Lethn


    They'd be able to do almost anything if they had Russia backing them, that's what worries me the most. Then America could inevitably do it's thing of saying they helped Europe fight Hitler and drag us all into it as well.
    #17     Sep 12, 2009
  8. Illum


    You sound a bit jaded by hate. This is a competitive world. The WTO arrangements mean as much as the current leaders want them to. China isn't smacking anyone.
    #18     Sep 12, 2009
  9. Lethn


    I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jaded by hate :D I've been living through a recession after all. First things first though I don't hate people without a reason so rest assured I'm not being stereotypical.

    I will say I am more worried though you only need to freaking look at the situation clearly to know something big is going to happen.
    #19     Sep 12, 2009
  10. Russia is dependent on western funding.
    #20     Sep 12, 2009