China Faces Mass Social Unrest

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by capmac, Dec 5, 2008.

  1. there were tens of thousands of 'demonstrations' in China in 07 - sorry can't
    immediately find a reference tho the figures are government released
    besides the lack of 'democracy' China's problem is there's no Law so the
    common wo/man have No rights. besides the large Communist government
    there's the little Communist government in the rural areas, for example one
    village who created an orphanage and then solicited for donations to pay
    for the upkeep of the children was taken over by the local commies when
    they discovered how much money was coming in. a woman who wasn't
    receiving promised funds for repairs to her house got a news film crew
    onsite when she confronted officials - she received the payout
    no law means factories can't be prevented from polluting rivers; industrial
    accident claims are ignored by employers; employment standards are at
    the 'discretion' of employers; central gov has ordered companies must have
    permission before they can layoff more than 40 - 40 employees; because of
    lead in paint Canadian shoppers have stopped purchasing Chinese made
    toys and we know about melamine in animal and human food stuffs so
    who's going to buy such Chinese manufactured goods, which has resulted
    in tens of thousands of companies small and large closing this year, real-
    estate prices are collapsing and China's gdp is a lot closer to 0% than it is
    to the exceptionally rosey 7.5%

    an example of China's 'due process':
    2007: 'Thousands riot' in China protest
    #11     Dec 6, 2008
  2. 80% of China is in poverty. I doubt the whole social unrest thing will be that big.
    #12     Dec 6, 2008
  3. you are a chinese american/living in west. do not confuse your opinion with reality.
    #13     Dec 7, 2008
  4. Good ol rft, i suggest you stick to what you know - copy/paste shit from wiki to make your clueless self feel like a pro in some fantasy lala land.

    I am very grounded in reality and maintain my point which is that a revolt in china because of economic slowdown is ludicrous. And the fact that the wages are so low for the workers in china, if things really gets out of hand the government can easily take some of the cash reserve and pay those workers' salary indirectly through funded public projects. Where as the same amount of money in more developed countries say the US, will be able to "feed" far fewer workers.

    There are many demostrations in china, on various problems like housing/building magnetic trains etc... but it has nothing to do with the article, which suggest there is a revolt if the economy in china goes down, it's nothing but sensationalism.
    #14     Dec 7, 2008
  5. If it uses some of its reserves to pay for public projects it won't be able to protect its currency now, would it? There are 20-40 million migrant workers and they all need work, it's not the first time I heard something bad could happen.

    Also you bring nothing new to the table newguy, if I learned anything about the media and investing, it is to aggressively listen to any conflicting opinions and new pieces of information. This is further enhanced with the very secretive and protective chinese media, barely anything gets out of the country. Hell, how many people here even heard of the tainted milk?
    #15     Dec 8, 2008