China economic sanctions over human rights abuses

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Cuddles, Sep 11, 2018.

  1. Cuddles


    5 yuan have been deposited to your account. Thank you for your continued efforts comrade
    #21     Jul 28, 2020
  2. themickey


    Sheesh, you give warnings, I never thought about doing that. :)
    #22     Jul 29, 2020
  3. xandman


    CCP propaganda bot.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
    #23     Jul 29, 2020
  4. xandman


    You think his supervisor is screaming:
    "How the F*** do they know??!? They are spying on us!!!"

    ...which just escalates the whole thing.
    #24     Jul 29, 2020
  5. newwurldmn


    that makes it okay, right?
    #25     Jul 29, 2020
    userque likes this.
  6. longshort


    Stories like that are often partly true and partly exaggerated. Reading what has been linked about Uighur Muslims, I'm primarily sceptical about the scope of the detention. That's not saying that all allegations to their full extent can't be accurate. Yet the scale is among what's easiest to inflate and the political circumstances and sources don't rule out that possibility, rather make it somewhat likely.

    On the topic of surveillance and what seems to be temporary detention in re-education camps ("for weeks or months" according to New York Times), we can look both ways within the confines of the mentioned human-rights issues:

    1. Surveillance from the U.S. and "the five eyes" is likely more extensive as per Edward Snowden's revelations.

    2. Due process isn't universal in the U.S., for example: "One can spend a long time in jail in the U.S. without ever being charged with a crime. It happened to H. Beatty Chadwick, a former Philadelphia-area lawyer, who has been behind bars for nearly 14 years without being charged. Businessman Manuel Osete spent nearly three years in an Arizona jail without ever receiving a criminal charge. And investment manager Martin Armstrong faced a similar situation when he was held for more than six years in a Manhattan jail." Source:

    3. U.S. administration is in favor of waterboarding and Guantanamo-Bay-like detainment.

    4. U.S. and Israel have lists of people, oftentimes deemed radical Muslims, that they track down and kill without trial.
    #26     Jul 29, 2020
  7. Oh, so it's "temporary" and that makes it OK? Have you ever been temporarily detained, especially in a 3rd world country? How about spent a couple months in these conditions?

    What's up with the moral equivalence again?

    The US is full of horrible injustices and breaches of due process and human rights. There is a lot of racial profiling and mass surveillance going on. The criminal justice system is severely broken and is an instrument of repressions. Some of that shit makes me wanna vomit. These problem are on much smaller case than those in dictatorships like Russia or China, but are on a much larger scale than those we see in properly civilized countries like Denmark or Norway. Without a question, these problems need to be fixed and the global community has a right to call the US out whenever these issues happen.

    However, the fact that the US has issues does not make the shit Chinese do any more acceptable. If the scope of the problem is real (and my Chinese friends think that it is actually WORSE than what's portrayed in the Western media), we are talking about one of the largest repressions on the basis of religion/ethnicity.
    #27     Jul 29, 2020
  8. Cuddles


    ccp & russian shills are full of whataboutisms. Though i'm willing to give this low count user the benefit of the doubt based on his post history.
    #28     Jul 29, 2020
  9. bone


    "The invasion of Kuwait on 2 August 1990 was a two-day operation conducted by Iraq against the neighboring State of Kuwait, which resulted in the seven-month-long Iraqi occupation of the country." - The History of the World According to Everyone.

    Please adjust your aluminum foil hat, the gamma rays and microwaves are getting in.

    Last edited: Jul 31, 2020
    #29     Jul 30, 2020
    Cuddles likes this.
  10. bone


    Your sense of proportion is seriously warped.

    Do you believe that the Holocaust was real or was that also an exaggerated US/Israeli fabrication?

    #30     Jul 30, 2020