China decoupling from wall street

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by VicBee, Aug 13, 2022.

  1. VicBee


  2. US has weaponized everything, even, and maybe even especially, the stock market.
    US attempting to blackmailing China.
    No other country that has companies listed in the US has to do what the US demands from China.
    This is discrimination at state-level.
    easymon1 likes this.
  3. easymon1


    Speaking of which, I wonder how many americans...
    earth_imperator likes this.
  4. Nobert


    ,,Ahern however, argues that the five state firms’ delistings are a positive sign that Washington and Beijing might be closer to reaching a delisting consensus. Once Chinese SOEs are all delisted from Wall Street, the “remaining non-state companies have long-stated that they have nothing to hide” from U.S. inspectors, Ahern says.''

    And all of em names skyrocket.
  5. VicBee


    Are you sure? If that's the case, I agree with you, the same rules should apply to all. But you'd have to prove it to me.
    earth_imperator likes this.
  6. Just think about it: isn't it obvious? If these rules were to apply also to other countries, say UK or France or Germany, then these countries surely would publicly go bananas! Meaning endless fights in the media, but nothing of such happens. This then indicates:
    The US is attempting to treat Chinese companies differently than companies from all other countries!...
    This is called discrimination.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2022
  7. easymon1


    I wonder how many americans...
    2022 0813.jpg
    earth_imperator likes this.
  8. maxinger


    Trump must be very happy.

    Chinese firms can easily get listing from China or Hong Kong exchanges.
    Soon those exchanges will be mega exchanges
    earth_imperator likes this.
  9. I think one day in the near future, when the looming new civil war becomes hotter,
    then even the UN will be forced to get out of the US and move to China or to Switzerland...
  10. Peter8519


    #10     Aug 13, 2022