Child Rapist avoids death sentence

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, Jun 25, 2008.

Should child rapists be executed?

  1. Absolutely.

    9 vote(s)
  2. Absolutely not.

    9 vote(s)
  3. Only in certain cases.

    2 vote(s)
  1. Salvation is a reminder that the world is not your home. Your home is "Heaven", from whence you have come "down to earth", which you will return. Nothing about the earth is true. It's laws are not imposed on you, its values are not yours. And nothing that you think you see in it is really there at all. This is seen and understood as each one takes his part in its undoing, as he did in making it.

    The world is a kind of group-making, made to replace Home, made immutable as Heaven, to replace Reality with it's own. The group decieves itself by the appearance of many. The many dissociate the One, not thinking about it, as if it is not true.

    Salvation simply reminds you that either God is mad, or this world is a place of madness. Not one thought of our Father's makes any sense at all within this world. And nothing that the world believes is true has any meaning in our Father's mind at all. What makes no sense and has no meaning is insanity, and what is mad cannot be the truth. If one belief so deeply valued here were true, then every thought God ever had is an illusion. Conversly, if even one thought of God is true, then all beliefs the world gives any meaning to are false, and make no sense at all. This is the simple choice you make for salvation. This is the only decision you can make. The rest is up to God.

    To justify one value that the world upholds is to deny our Father's sanity and yours. In reality, you and our Father do not think differently. And it is the agreement of thought between Father and Son that makes the Son a co-creator with the Mind Whose thought created him. So if the Son [you] chooses to believe one thought opposed to truth, he has decided he is not his Father's Son, being mad instead. The world you see is all the evidence you need to prove that you believe the Son is mad. Does it not make what I say sound like madness?

    Who thinks the world is sane in any way, or that it is justified in anything it thinks, or is maintained by any form of reason...he thinks the Son of God is mad. For example, the whole belief that someone loses...that anyone can lose...reflects the underlying tenet God must be insane. In this world it seems that one must gain because another lost. If this were true, God would be mad indeed! If this sounds crazy, if I sound insane to you, simply understand that either I am insane or this concept is insane, but hardly both.

    Salvation is the rebirth of the idea no one can lose for anyone to gain. And everyone must gain, if anyone would be a gainer. Only in this way is sanity restored. Place all your faith in this bedrock statement of truth. For only then will you ever come to trust that God is sane and worthy of the kind of confidence that can bring peace to your mind. All insane beliefs can be corrected if you simply hold the truth of this statement up to everything you think you believe...everything the world would *prove* to you is true.

    Apply this to the criminal justice system of the world, and you will see that it is mad. This statement has universal transfer value.

    #61     Jul 2, 2008
  2. I'll get in trouble for saying this (sorry hap) but IMO chronic pedophilia is sometimes a bad wiring issue. Maybe that's just my inability to comprehend how a grown man can find an 8 year old prepubescent child in any way sexually attractive. I would rather believe the wiring is bad than believe that it's just all down to weak-mindedness, because that kind of act represents a level of weak-mindedness that I can't fathom.

    Of course we should have the strength of mind to control our own behaviour (unlike the idiotic Troll LoZZZeR, and his uncontrollabel moral weakness). I have a predilection for behaviours that are net detrimental to my health and so I control them. But child rape is not always (or even usually, IMO) a crime of violence. Not by any stretch. Sexual perversion, sure, but not all crimes of sexual perversion are about violence.
    #62     Jul 2, 2008
  3. There is a kind of justice in salvation of which the world knows nothing. To the world, justice and vengeance are the same. The laws of sin demand a victim. This is not justice...this is insanity! It is not just that one should lack for what another has. This is vengeance in whatever form it takes.

    True justice demands no sacrifice. Any sacrifice at all is for preserving the problem of insanity. In other words, it is counterproductive. On the other hand, God is fair to everyone. Vengeance is alien to God's mind because He knows justice. To be just is to be fair, and not be vengeful. Fairness and vengeance are impossible. Each contradicts the other and denies that it is real.

    True justice cannot punish those who ask for punishment. A true Judge knows that none have committed any crimes. The world is highly suspicious of such a Judge because it depends on the stability of the reality of crime. Such knowledge represents a "threat" to the world of vengeance understood and so loved by it's believers. God knows everyone is wholly innocent in truth. Therefore, in justice, he is bound to set them free, and give them all the honor they deserve and have denied themselves because they are not fair, and cannot understand that they are innocent. This is not understandable to sinners because they do not think like God. It completely undermines their beloved world...their way of "life". It tells you that this world has no meaning whatsoever to our Father, therefore, neither should it have any meaning to you.

    Those who understand this position themselves to heal all parties concerned, so that none lose from these unfortunate series of events. Isn't that what everyone really wants? And if it was possible, would you not be interested in finding out how this is achievable?

    #63     Jul 2, 2008
  4. sometimes a bad wiring issue.


    Pedophiles could be undeveloped socially and unable to relate to adult females, hence they seek out children. Also, they could have been molested when they were a child and may assualt children aprox the same age as when they were abused when they were a child (ie men abusing boys). They may want to "get back" at society and do the most vilest deed that society abhors. There are many more complex reasons. Again, I'm not making excuses or absolving responsibilites.
    #64     Jul 2, 2008
  5. Once again, I'm sorry, but I see a contradiction between these two statements. In fact the first statement seems to me to be the textbook definition of making excuses.
    #65     Jul 2, 2008
  6. It is all heinous, but because the law is against any execution of child rapists unless a murder has been committed, then maybe to start with the youngest children victims would be best. The youngest are the weakest, smallest and the most vulnerable. But yes, it is just as horrible for older children. Just my opinion.
    #66     Jul 2, 2008
  7. I think it is about control, the need and thrill to hunt thier prey, and sometimes through violence that the child rapist is motivated, and it manifests through sex. But I don't believe it is the normal desire for sex that makes the adult rape a child. It is the desire to control. And a child is targeted because of their inability to fight back. This feeds the rapists need to prey. And I agree it is a wiring problem that maybe they are born with, which gives them overwhelming urge to hunt like a beast.
    #68     Jul 2, 2008
  8. How does this relate to child rape? It is an honest question. I know you want to make a point with this bear attack, but not sure what your point is.
    #69     Jul 2, 2008
  9. Au contraire. Know thy enemy. Not much consolation to tell a kid who has been traumatized "Don't worry he is dead or in prison" It is an insufficient answer, the kid wants to know why, especially if it is someone they know. They have been betrayed and want to know if it is something they have done. Kids blame themselves. They need reassuring answers that it was not their fault. As time passes some actually want to confront them.
    #70     Jul 2, 2008