chief of Israel’s intelligence service:romney will get your kids killed.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Oct 22, 2012.

  1. Will Mitt Get Your Kids Killed?
    Former chief of Israel’s intelligence service Mossad, Efraim Halevy, on Mitt Romney in an interview with Laura Rozen …

    Obama has placed emphasis on negotiations. In this current election for the US presidency, his hands are tied. He cannot proceed, because he cannot appear soft on Israel’s security.
    Negotiating with Iran is perceived as a sign of beginning to forsake Israel. That is where I think the basic difference is between Romney and Obama. What Romney is doing is mortally destroying any chance of a resolution without war. Therefore when [he recently] said, he doesn’t think there should be a war with Iran, this does not ring true. It is not consistent with other things he has said. […]

    Obama does think there is still room for negotiations. It’s a very courageous thing to say in this atmosphere.
    In the end, this is what I think: Making foreign policy on Iran a serious issue in the US elections — what Romney has done, in itself — is a heavy blow to the ultimate interests of the United States and Israel.

    It is not as if, if he wins the election, and gets into the White House, he can back up. The Iranians are listening attentively to what he says. When he says, he would arm the opposition in Iran. They understand.


    Romney has been very costly on Russia […] If you want to create a situation, where the only way to go about things is to go back to the Cold War, that is what is being done here. It’s very dangerous.

    I don’t think the US public wants to go to another world war over values in this way. If it persists, it will be a slide down a very slippery slope.

    Another way to look at this is that Romney’s turned for his foreign policy team to the folks the even President Bush canned in the latter part of his administration.

    Read the whole interview here.