Chevy Volt takes 27 years before owners save money

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 377OHMS, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. No, I want the government to spend my tax dollars wisely. OK, that's too much to expect from these idiots. How's about they just don't waste it on pushing some foolish political agenda like thinking a electric car that sells for 40K, under delivers on value and performance, actually has a market.
    #51     Apr 12, 2012
  2. That's such stupid BS.

    The iphone a product the public actually wants it NEVER NEEDED A SUBSIDY FROM THE GOVT TO CREATE FRAUDULENT DEMAND.

    The only way the volt is going to sell in large numbers is by the govt continuing to pay people to drive it . Talk about a waste of taxpayer money, it's just another backdoor GM grant and kickbacks for it's union.
    #52     Apr 12, 2012
  3. Again, you can make the case against subsidies but electric cars are probably a rather small one in the grand scheme of things. Do you also hate oil because the government subsidizes it? How about hospitals? Do you hate them as well because medicare keeps them in business?

    But you really are ignorant when saying it under delivers on value performance. I hardly consider 1/3 of a gallon of gas in 3 months as under deliverying on value. The performance of the Volt really is amazing. It's pretty fast. Nobody has ever told me it wasn't fast enough or felt cheap. You would know this if you ever drove it, but of course you never will.
    #53     Apr 12, 2012
  4. Seriously, the union talk is so old. I mean really, the workers these days are getting half what the old timers were getting. You should be happy about that.

    The subsidies are available to any electric car company. To say they were made for GM is really ignorant, especially considering the legislation was made years ago.
    #54     Apr 12, 2012
  5. Yeah I'm sure it didn't even cross obama's mind or anyone in the administration when proposing new subsidies.

    It just puts the car companies and the buyers ( of subsidized vehicles)on the govt dole.
    There is no way of getting around that fact.
    #55     Apr 12, 2012
  6. Wow that is an amazing testimonial, now tell me how much (premium)you spent up front for that amazing performance?
    #56     Apr 12, 2012
  7. Lucrum


    IF it's true I might be. Got a link for that, to save me time I don't really have.
    #57     Apr 12, 2012
  8. #58     Apr 12, 2012
  9. I don't hate big oil or hospitals, but that isn't the point. Subsidizing big oil is foolish as is subsidizing electric vehicles that don't deliver. Big oil doesn't need the money and electric vehicles are no where near a viable solution as is evidenced by virtually zero demand for them. Bottom line, there are few people willing to pay 40K for what amounts to a electric razor on wheels.
    #59     Apr 13, 2012
  10. I'm sure it didn't considering Obama wasn't even the President when the subsidies were put into law.
    $3000 down and $340 a month for a brand new car that I will have to buy probably one tank of gas a year.
    #60     Apr 20, 2012