Check out these girls that hang out at chess tournaments

Discussion in 'Politics' started by nitro, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. Coins


    Nitro, you've finally pushed the line TOO far... say what????

    "In fact in my life, the women that I am or have been around have struggled for every dime they have, and while they would rather have money than not, they wouldn't be caught dead with someone just because they had money."

    Dude, WHO are you bullsh*ting?? WOMEN not being caught dead with some just because they had money??????????


    WHAT are you talking about???? WOMEN are BUILT for money, dude. WOMEN - all they WANT is money.

    You've gone insane, Nitro, to think otherwise.


    #21     Jun 5, 2004
  2. nitro



    It is simply not my experience. Or let me rephrase, if I even got a hint that was the case, I would lose interest, so like I said above, if this is your experience, somehow these women must be attracted to you because a part of you puts yourself in situations where the kinds of women you meet fit that profile.

    What comes first, the women you meet that are gold diggers, or you putting yourself in that environment where the odds are overwhelming that the women you meet fit that profile? Think about it.

    I suggest you examine your own life and chage your scenery.

    #22     Jun 5, 2004
  3. Read: We can't afford a real wedding so the excuse is we can put it for a bigger down payment. Expect financial problems years down the road if one of us gets ill or loses our job.
    #23     Jun 5, 2004
  4. those "hard working" women might be homely under all standards... its a rule, it always have exceptions, but it applies to most american women. hot women don't work very much. if they do, they're working till they find a guy that pays for things.

    you shouldn't be surpised, because this is how it works. why do you think american idol has one of the highest ratings? young people want to be rich/famous instantanously. and the majority of the audience are girls. what kind of straight male would watch such a show anyway?

    i think those girls are trying to tell the rest of us something. we just have to see it and admit it.

    #24     Jun 6, 2004
  5. nitro



    I think that you are somewhat right in your assertion, but I think that you are underestimating, or perhaps miscalculating how people choose each other.

    Here is a simplified version of the equation that I think most people use, conciously or subconciously:

    "desirable" = k*Power + i*Intelligence + j*Attractiveness.
    (power is a more general term than money, Intelligence could include humor, Attractivenes could include health, etc)

    In other words, women will forgoe Intelligence and Attractiveness in a man for (more) money/power. However, although less likely (the constants that you multiply these traits by dictate the weight assigned to each) a woman will forgoe (extra) money for say some percentage of (extra) good looks, or some percentage of (extra) intelligence, all of course, in some ratio of her estimate of each of these components in herself.

    But this is not much different for men. For men, the equation is something like:

    "desirable" = 0*Power + 0*Intelligence + 1*Attractiveness. In other words, most men simply assign zero weight to the other two critrical components of the equation.

    Obviously, this is a simpified model of that which we call courtship, but something like it is what is going on.

    #25     Jun 6, 2004
  6. well... im assuming both of us are very analytical persons here, we need to break things down to the most basic form: humans are mammals.

    in the animal kingdom, the most desiarable female choose to mate with the most powerful male. the most powerful males show themselves by beating/killing the other males. powerful males = capable provider for the offsprings. powerful males can protect the young.

    human is not that much different. females of the human race choose to see the same type of powerfulness in money, "power", fame. in that order. power = money in most cases. fame induces power, and might able to produce money. non the less, the mean is still money. raw purchasing power. the ability to provide. period.

    as males instead being valued on how we can kill off each other, we are valued on how much we make/year, & amount of assets.


    modified equation for females
    "desirable" = Money^k + i*Intelligence + log(j*Attractiveness).

    modified equation for male
    "desirable" = log(i*Intelligence) + Attractiveness^j + Money * (0)

    *for females*
    attractiveness: that can be easily forgo when the expotential power of money weights in.

    intelligence: intelligence is correlated with the ability to make money. you wanna disagree? correlation doesn't mean causation, but there's enough evidence to support some kind of relationship. ex. doctors, lawyers, engineers. etc... blah blah blah.

    money: expotential? it depends on the decisions we made along the road. inorder to achieve the state of being rich/wealth, we have to optimize decision path. its a traveling salesman problem. it's an NP-Complete problem. since you cannot forsee the next step, it reduced to the simple greedy algorithm. do what you think its best for you at the current moment with the information given to you.

    for example:
    why do good amount of women are attracted to mick jagger(rolling stones) & steve taylor(aerosmith)??? they are not exactly the most good looking men even in their own time. i can say they're either at average or below average by looks even when they were young. why do hot women still throw their bodies on them, even tho they pass their prime a few decades ago? cuz they are rich & famous.

    why most (american) women are lazy?
    because disney portaited the idea of prince charming(rich guy) to come and rescue the girls out of trouble and marry them. and live happily ever after. and the subscribed to it religioiusly.

    how would i know? i'm in college. in my school, there are more girls than guys enrolled. in my engineering classes, its a rare occasion to see 6 girls in a 75 ppl class. where did the girls go? english, sociology, psychology... the bullshait majors. why? they're just waiting for prince charming. that's at the college level, can you imagine those girls who only graduated high school or enrolled in the 13th grade?

    why do guys want to be rich?
    we want to sleep with the hottest women we can get. in order to do that, we have to be rich. yes, it helps if you can play the game(show intelligence that way is better). but the bottom line is **MONEY**

    can you argue otherwise? i wanna hear it.

    #26     Jun 6, 2004
  7. Coins


    I don't know about all that - all I know is a chick's ass bent over naked gives me a massive hard-on - that works for me ;)

    #27     Jun 8, 2004
  8. Coins


    I don't know about all that - all I know is a chick's ass bent over naked two inches from my face gives me a massive hard-on - that works for me ;)

    #28     Jun 8, 2004
  9. Coins


    I don't know about all that - all I know is a chick's ass bent over naked two inches from my face gives me a massive hard-on

    ...that works for me ;)

    #29     Jun 8, 2004