Chavez takes over Venezuelan energy sector

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by thehangingman, Jan 14, 2007.

  1. and i am against socialism.
    #11     Jan 14, 2007
  2. True, lets focus on our problems and let the other countries handle theirs. It's their oil and their country they can govern it like they want to. Unless you own Exxon or one of the big oil co. why would you care?
    #12     Jan 14, 2007
  3. Chagi


    This is a very stupid move on the part of Venezuela. A quick bit of online research finds that their country has approx. the same amount of oil sands reserves as Alberta (Canada), but lacks the capital investment and technology to effectively exploit them.

    If Chavez was smart he would be opening the doors to foreign investment in the Venezuelan oil sands, but that type of investment is highly unlikely until this nutjob is out of power.
    #13     Jan 14, 2007
  4. franco82


    Speak only for Venezuela ... and speak only for you ....
    #14     Jan 14, 2007
  5. You must know by now that we are all connected. We might not have options as far as what we can do about other governments when we see signs of trouble. However, it is important to raise awareness of the events. It is like watching the whole Castro revolution and then the ensuing rafts and tires with Cubans on them heading to the Keys and saying, "well, that's Cuba's problem." It isn't. It never is. The world's borders are lines on a map. I have traveled across the planet and have lived in a large number of places. The lines that were put on the map over time are just lines.

    It is like a neighbor who is starting to sell crack next door to your house and you completely ignoring it "unless they do it on my land or attack me". While you can't do anything without proof, you will likely bring it to your other neighbors' awareness and might start to watch the developments and take action before one of your kids gets hit in a gun fight by a stray bullet.

    Eventually, the world will become borderless regardles of what various politicians say or do. It is everyone's responsibility to help support education and other "teach a man to fish" programs around the globe. The less suffering there is, the cheaper and more secure our collective lives will be.

    Sorry, I said I wouldn't respond, but had to. Reminds me of that episode of Seinfeld where Cramer says he will not talk after "right now!" and then continues talking. :D

    #15     Jan 14, 2007
  6. The communists and socialists are not fatalists like the islamic extremist. They will collapse like they always do from lack of investment. Even the new Putin Russia is headed for collapse again. We only need to engage the fatalists, and keep the treat on the rest to hasten their demise from within. The powers of Iran believe in bringing about mutual destruction. That is their goal. Isreal will engage to insure survival.
    #16     Jan 14, 2007
  7. Pekelo


    Quote from Chagi:

    A quick bit of online research finds that their country has approx. the same amount of oil sands reserves as Alberta (Canada), but lacks the capital investment and technology to effectively exploit them.

    And another quick research finds that with today's low oilprices it is not economic to get it, just yet. Specially when you have relatively easily accessed reserves.

    If Chavez was smart he would be opening the doors to foreign investment in the Venezuelan oil sands,

    He will. Only on his on terms.

    but that type of investment is highly unlikely until this nutjob is out of power.

    Chavez knows something, what you don't. Right now he has the upper hand, since the US imports 9% of its oil from Venezuela, so in short it has no other choice....
    #17     Jan 15, 2007
  8. The crack example and the Cuba example are not valid with Venezuela. Cuba was by a military take over. Venezuela had a free election. Intead of the crack example a better example is if your neighboor quits his job to sell Amway, you know it's probably not going to work but it's none of your business.
    #18     Jan 15, 2007
  9. AHhhhh a thinking man is talking.

    Sadly though the principle drivers behind mankind are fear and greed (inseparable)
    and it does not matter how much a person has, in most cases it is never enough.
    #19     Jan 15, 2007
  10. Another country with sizable oil and gas reserves that controls its natural resources is Norway. This state has been considered by many to have on of the highest standards of living in the world, precisely because they did not allow the big oil companies to overtake its national resources. Now why shouldn't Venezuela do the same. I read somewhere that they only get 5% of oil revenues from what is being pumped out. I call that a rotten deal signed by a former corrupt government that did not give two shits about the people and was looking to steal as much as possible in the shortest amount of time before a new "team" would take over and do the same. Just for trying I give Chavez thumbs up!
    :D :D :D :D
    #20     Jan 15, 2007