Chávez moves reserves out of US Treasuries

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Madison, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. nassau


    I think both of you really need to do some homework. I would suggest you not use american press releases.
    Chavez was voted into power, part of this vote took place while he was behind bars. Do we forget, it is his countries oil or commodity. Give save harbor...did your country not do the same...have totally knowledge of terriost cells and let them exist until it was to late. All countries have terrorists hiding. Venezula has the right to sell to whomever, free trade. Hold the usa ransom? What crimes against humanity did he commit that the usa has not.
    Chavez lets everyone know what he is doing. He does not have to nor does he wish to do business with the usa.
    Your comments like others are oil or politically based. What about the dicators or political leaders in Africa, Europe, oil or benefit..little or no help. What about Peru..Billions stolen.
    He has been threatened by the usa and stands up and therefore is a terrorist? He has done a lot of good in Venezula, housing for one, but as all government political personell are he is not perfect.
    I agree not all in his country like him, he has stepped on a lot of wealthy peoples pocket books. Exit government and friends in Venezula have stolen billions. He is making sure the usa does not freeze his countries assets so he changes currency.

    Is a beautiful country to visit as are most of the people I have met there.

    We all should make sure even in jist that our comments are factual and not harmful. Fear, hate and lack of knowledge or the discernment of the knowledge it the true terror.

    God bless all, not just america

    #11     Oct 11, 2005