ChatGPT alternatives for trading??

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by LiquidMike, May 16, 2023.

  1. What are some platforms that utilize OpenAI, but allow you to upload data (historical stock/options) and then upload descriptions of strategies and ask to assess; but also to continue to feed more data over time so it'll learn, etc? I don't ChatGPT really does that or allows you to continue to build a data factory with it.


  2. cesfx


    I have copied your question to chatgpt, this is its answer:

    "OpenAI has developed a few platforms and APIs that allow developers to utilize their language models, but they may not necessarily support the specific requirements you mentioned.

    OpenAI's GPT-3.5 language model, which powers ChatGPT, doesn't provide a built-in capability to upload and process custom datasets or continue learning from user-provided data over time. It's primarily designed for generating human-like text based on prompts and interacting with users in a conversational manner.

    However, OpenAI has another product called OpenAI Codex, which is a language model trained on code and capable of generating code snippets based on natural language prompts. While it doesn't specifically focus on stock/options data, it can assist with code-related tasks and provide programming guidance.

    For your specific use case involving historical stock/options data, strategy descriptions, and ongoing learning from user-provided data, you may need to consider building a custom solution using OpenAI's technology as a component. You could explore leveraging the OpenAI API, which allows you to integrate language models into your own applications and systems.

    By using the OpenAI API, you could develop a system that accepts historical stock/options data, processes it along with strategy descriptions using the language model, and generates assessments or insights based on the input. You would need to handle the data management and learning aspects externally to feed more data over time to improve the system's performance.

    Alternatively, you may also explore other machine learning platforms or frameworks that provide more extensive capabilities for data management, model training, and continuous learning, and integrate OpenAI's language model within that framework to leverage its natural language processing capabilities.

    Remember to review OpenAI's documentation and terms of use to ensure compliance with their policies and any usage limitations they may have."
  3. Atikon


    Check out r/LocalLLama on reddit, a range of options out right now that can run on local computers and or servers and it will only get better
    bitcuration and beginner66 like this.
  4. Zwaen


    Indeed, you can search for alpaca or dalai and run it on your laptop.

    Be careful with trading strategies however, gpt 3/4 can have trouble with simple arithmetic, like 3*6 + 8*8
  5. 2rosy


    Not sure why a language model would help but ML techniques have been used for a while. Tons of free packages, unfortunately you need to know where you want to go
  6. I think it has some general knowledge in different fields so it can't be that helpful to us, traders! Every time that you ask him for a specified and professional question, it says: as an AI language model... So, I think right now, the answer is no. It can't help us.
  7. Wonder where are those models already come with the LLM weights were trained from? Are those mostly based on the LLaMA's weights leaked from the 4chan torrent in early March?
  8. I believe you could build AutoGPT or something similar to let LLM getting arithmetic processed from an external system, e.g. a program handling arithmetic for LLM.

    As a matter of fact, math is not the problem. The problem with LLM being used for anything is that it doesn't have a goal. This is probably for the great good. But then you'd have to break it down into detailed goals to let LLM knows what you want. Nobody has explored everything the chatGPT is capable of, but what we now know is if you build your prompt language right, it's possible to get GPT to do many things. Automation is only the tips of the iceberg, with the right information and questions, it probably can figure out what drives a stock price up and when it sees the same signal emerges again... in other words it may not only write strategy code for you, but also automate the strategy idea creation, and write code, and put in backtest and ... Of course, without help the vanilla GPT model doesn't do any of these.
  9. Atikon


    Yeah leaked from approved tester.

    Here is a benchmark on rationality with new contenders:
    bitcuration likes this.
  10. RantaMin


    Maybe Kavout?
    #10     Jun 10, 2023