Chat Rooms - Trading oriented...

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by limitdown, Dec 19, 2001.

  1. Who can recommend a good room, that makes (consistently, or sometimes good) trading calls? Is their philosophy Momentum oriented, Position oriented, or Rumor oriented? Do they rely on a sole provider (Undergroundtrader) or multiple callers (Pristine) to "un-officially" endorse calls? Do they rely on tight stops, especially on NASD stocks?, or do they follow the position until all acknowledged traders are confirmed as out (of that position)?
  2. limit,

    i can recommend they trade simple breakouts/breakdowns and euphoria/capitulation plays.. they are very strong on education, almost to a fault.. also, they place a strong emphasis on trading psychology.. they have a free trial if you want to take a look..

    i dont know about underground but there is plenty of info on this site about it.. just do a search..


    -no affiliation with rt except as a satisfied customer..
  3. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    I will go out on a limb here and plug myself. I think that Toni and I run the best chatroom around. Both of our trading styles are based around simple things that work like pattern recognition. If we are interested in trading something it will come with an alert, and we will track it as "official". We also try to explain everything we are doing, ie what we are looking for, why we are looking for it and such. We are usually there except when we are are not, and we are always 100% serious except when we are not :D

  4. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    I agree with Brandon, he and Toni have an excellent site at The two of them are very good teachers and moderators, the atmosphere is light, and many of the calls are on the nose or somewhere thereabouts. :) I haven't gotten there too often lately, but when I do it's always a good place to hang out.

    Another excellent site is the Stock Beat Chatroom hosted by Chris Terry (ChartWiz) and Linda Bradford Raschke at:

    It's a no-nonsense, moderators speak only, excellent overview of multiple markets and timeframes, Linda provides astute market analysis, Chris makes most of the (high probability) calls.
  5. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    In fairness there are a few other very good Chatrooms. I've learned a lot from Chris and Linda and feel that of the pay rooms they have the best one. Chris is a top guy, very generous and genuine as everyone here has seen, and Linda is incredible.

    Realitytrader (both of them) are very good. Vad is one of the most consistant traders I know, Chris gives very good calls and is a great trader as well. They recently added Nesi to their room and he is really a top guy if you are into news. The position trading room is run by my very good friends Russ and Bo, they are also great guys.

    All three of these rooms are in the $300 range, and they are the ones I don't figure I will be putting out of business either, as they have quality stuff every day and it shows.

  6. Magma & two really are good solid people & fair..............

    Brandon also is a very good picker/trader & he & toni are a great team.......Toni Hanson his girlfriend or more. Brandon & I are very good frineds for life.

    Magma has had a free pass for about 2 weeks in my chatroom & has seen my work first hand, I extended the free week into the holidays.

    Linda & I do our best to give overall market analysis, high probabilty calls, both short term trades for scalps as well as higher time frame 15 , 60 & daily swing trade ideas........for Stocks in the S&P500 list & the Nasdaq 100 list.......I seek higher quality stocks that have good volume that allow a level playing field for all members & there is NO HYPE whatsoever & we give the patterns & allow a sufficient amount of time for entries.

    This is a example of some of my work, I posted a few examples of short term scalp trades......

    I attached 1 example of my DAILY trades.....Magma & could verify I hit a very high % win ratio & this trade idea was posted at the time he was watching my work....this is 1 of many I have called successfully.........Brandon has also seen my work & could also verify it.

    This is a pic of my office..........we trade there & I run my chat from it also.......Linda is in Florida & Has her own setup about identical to mine as far as computers & monitors are concerned,

    We run a professional business & provide a first class product that helps traders make money & stay on the right side of the trend a majority of the time, Linda is a ace stock trader & stock picker & is a true market wizard.

    We moderate the chat & this means its READ ONLY for the users........This allows for traders to focus on us & not haveing 50 people typing in symbols or chatting & distracting each other........there is nothing but market commentry & trading ideas in my room. I try to keep education at a minimum, I do not think we should TEACH intrday, as thats a time to be trading providing stock ideas.

    From what I seen on the internet & been to & had trials to every chatroom service so I would be able to stay one notch above the rest.........I feel Linda & I have the best trading/chatroom, Linda & I give the best pics hands down from intrday scalps to swing trades & market commentry for SP DOW NAS OILS DRILLERS ect ect ect..........

    For those members that harrased me for promoting my chatroom on my old thread that you destroyed........NO that wasnt promoting & it was not my intention for me being on the site, but ........because somebody opneed a thread for chatrooms & I have a service that falls under this catagory and brandon & magma mentioned it......I felt I should also.

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  7. I find this orgy of mutual backslapping and self-promotion quite sickening. However as the vendors routinely cross-pollinate each others sites it is not surprising. Together with Hitman's unpaid advertising for candidates for his trading team it marks a new low on the board.

    If I were Baron I would be wondering why I bother. There are so many free-riders in the industry. With all the big bucks they claim to be making, even without their vending activities, you would think they could throw a few his way and behave like proper businesses. The logical conclusion is that they are a bunch of cheapskates. It's time for the vendors to have their own section Baron and pay for it too.

    As for Magna and Quik I wonder what scale they use to condemn Hitman and congratulate vendors.
  8. Miki


    This is becoming quite a crusade, Don, isn’t it?

    Please don’t continue in this or any other thread with your negativity – it is beginning to reflect badly on yourself and what you stand for – I normally enjoy your posts.

    I enjoy all the posts no matter how daft they are but at some point you just have to learn to utilise the “ignore” functionality and get on with it.

    I quite like Brandon (his brothers got a lot to answer for - inside joke), Toni H (witty and clever) and Tony Oz (just cool dude) (Chartwiz will be ok as soon he stops being so sensitive) and many others on this board.

    So keep your posts coming guys…
  9. Threei


    have to say, this rushing in with "I am the best" left unpleasant taste in my mouth, too.

    Guys.. Brandon, Chris Terry.... I have a suggestion. Let's set standard for our participation in elite forums:

    1. Discussion of pure trading topics is fine, we can express our take as free as anyone else.
    2. Direct plug of our services is unacceptable, this is bad business practice, IMO.
    3. Let's intrude into discussion of our services only if there is misunderstanding which you feel should be corrected. Lets' do it in moderate manner not allowing personal attacks to ruin discussion. Other than that, let's let our work speak for itself.

    Concerning suggestion about paid part for trading services: if it's offered I would look at it as any advertizing expenses, evaluating effectiveness, cost etc. I might go for it, or refrain, or give it a try and see whether it's worth it Since it was never offered I wouldn't agree with quick evaluation of all "vendors " as cheapskates that won't pay for anything.

    Best regards,


  10. Hey Don...........what took you so long to respond to my reply ?, your slipping, I see you disliked my post as much as I enjoyed writing it :p ......have a happy holiday & we will have some fun in 2002 & provide some good info for the members here once your policing of ET stops .........And Miki...your right.....I will stop being sensitive, it helps not having a thread.........lets all have a great holiday & happy new year...........Chartwiz
    #10     Dec 20, 2001