
Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by traitor786, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. There are several mistakes. See red ellipses; you did not account for degapping.

    You did not degap the lateral so it is incorrect also.

    Good work on gong through a PV chart and locating the pairs of slugs of information.

    Now we see how price gives permission for a volume measurement.

    My charts are highlighted so all of these occurances are automatically presented to the viewer.

    They are on the screen because of the math snippets in the coding for the chart display.

    All charts must be degapped bar by bar to making "reading" charts possible in a simple language.
    #41     Feb 4, 2013
  2. Market communicate in a market language.

    "Run Dick run" is familiar to you. In your mind is a long term memory and you summon it automatically to know what Run means. each word has a definitiion that you know.

    Dick you know as a name because you know poepl's names that you learned by seeing them repeatedly. Maybe your first words were names for people you saw often and people who you liked getting help from. Dada mabe on or Mama may be another. Notice the redundancy of the letters.

    PEP and its Applications are all in the same market language.

    All slugs of information displayed have familiar names as you would except in a language.

    In markets the type of word used most is a gerund. Gerunds reveal the fact that adjacent slugs of information have relationships.

    you can see the OP cannot "see" and he has this problem because he has no long term memory to combine with his sensing.

    you speak up because you recognize that you do not have anything in your long term memory either.

    In the past you built long term memory.

    Run DicK run. works for you. you have letters and you have words.

    The OP cannot make letters nor can he make words.

    People continue to "coach" him but he does not DO WORK.

    You DO WORK to learn letters and learn words in a language.

    It is STUNNING to watch the OP do what he does instead of doing work.

    I will give you all the letters and all th words of the language of markets.

    I am extemely pleased and delighted that you are thinking and you recognize the market has a language.

    as you see we are going through the whole vocabulary for price. This has a use in the language of the markets. Price provides the gates and kills for measuring volume.

    A gate is a YES a Kill is a NO. both refer to "permission" to measure the leading indicator of price using volume.

    This ia cardinal information for making money.
    #42     Feb 4, 2013
  3. this is a casual statement:

    your mind is fucked up. you are mindfucking youreslf all of the time.

    NB means Nota Bene.
    #43     Feb 4, 2013
  4. NO SHIT!!!

    #44     Feb 4, 2013
  5. In ET people look at charts. You do not post charts.

    the chart posted, I commented on. I said: " this chart is fucked up" you want to know if he is following a method The answer is NO.

    you want to know if he made money. the answer is NO.

    you can do anything you want BUT


    you will only move forward by doing work.


    work is doing the drills I gave you to do. BUT you do not do drills.


    you learned what PARA means + side by side.


    drills are side by side repetitions so your mind learns to read:

    Run Dick run.


    run and Dck become defined words in you memeory.

    your mind is filled with trading BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT you have in your mind puts you where you are.


    You are NOWHERE


    we gave you a task to draw and post the ten cases of price bar pairs. you need to paste this sheet of the ten bars in front of your toilet. These are the onlt things that are in your mind that you do NOT flush down the toilet. Go take a shit.
    #45     Feb 4, 2013
  6. This is ALL WRONG.
    #46     Feb 4, 2013
  7. Jack,do you(by 'you' i refer to inflated ego,jack is just a costume here) really think there is someone left willing to decifer you??
    #47     Feb 4, 2013
  8. you cannot fix anything.

    You are using time to waste time.

    you are in deep fear of markets; you do anything you can to avoid taking the first step to learn.

    the first step is too tall for you to take it.

    we all know this about you. I explained these facts to duref Muggins by quoting all the authors who have explained you state of mind thoroughly. do you want the page numbers?

    Trading has a language, the language has a vocabulary. there are 56 words in the language vocabulary.

    10 of the 56 words are price words. you do drills to learn the 10 words of price.

    Two bars determine the name of the second bar ALAWAYS. the Names Are:

    Stritch R
    Stitch B
    SYM and

    I asked you to INVENT these pairs of bars.

    you wasted weeks, you wasted days. you wasted hours.

    Draw the fucking pictures of the bars.

    Copy them for the charts given to you and make up the ones that were done wrongly.

    then put all these drawing on one sheet and post it here and put it on the wall in form of your toilet.
    #48     Feb 4, 2013
  9. Channels have two parts.

    this is the name of the cloned line (a ray extending into the future.

    since you are knowledgeable about RTL, you can decode LTL in time.

    A channel begins with two adjacent bars that are either XB or XR

    All of the 8 other bars (but one) "SQUISH" from two bars in to one bar. This is a mental bar compression.

    as you walk north, just before you get to the Arctic Circle, you notice a 6 foot tree has 30 annular rings. then you notice more and more groups of grass groWing out of black stubble (N_____ heads). Frost free days dimminish; under 15 a year and there ae no more trees. Only grass and water on the permafrost surface.

    when you step ahead going north all you hear is SQUISH, SQUISH SQUISH ......

    This is half of trading.......

    Half of all slugs of information coming to you.

    7 of ten forms of pairs of bars get SQUISHED......

    Which 3 do not.

    Xb, XR and OB.

    All squished bars have a prior bar that is either squished or unsquished. When compressed the pair forms an XB or an XR.

    Xb's and XR's are money making bars. so is the OB.

    It takse the OP weeks to NOT draw the 10 cases. He does not google the 10 cases. He doea not admit he does not have a crayola or paper.

    Marketsurfer interviews a failed quant who is also a failed MBT at BTL. Surfer is a little tense he says. One page of quotes ends with All quants work with is addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Surf is more relaxed.

    Surf is a clone of the OP so far. Two tortises are racing to the Starting line, no crayolas,, no paper. They just keep mindfucking temselves.

    We need 10 cheerleader outfits. Each one has a top emblazened with things two things to SQUISH. Except for three:

    XB, XR and OB. Can you see the unsquishable pairs of letters.

    Let's emphasize them.

    Let's umask them with arithmetic and some inequalities.

    We need the naked facts behind the letter symbols in our vocabulary.
    #49     Feb 4, 2013
    Sprout likes this.
  10. we have 10 cheerleaders.

    they all have short shorts to wear.

    they are really short, the belts have huge buckles

    every buckle sags way down since the short shorts are soooo tight.

    every low sagging buckle has a Diamonded embedded T on it.

    We are gong to do T analysis by SQUISHING cheerleader tops and looking at the diamond studded bottom buckle "T's".

    It is giggle and jiggle and wiggle time.

    get out your pompoms.
    #50     Feb 4, 2013