CEO salary hyperinflation. what caused it?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by noob_trad3r, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Capitalism is NOT zero sum.
    Globalization is zero sum.
    #21     Nov 16, 2011
  2. newwurldmn


    That takes a lot of work and many shareholders have different agendas. Some are hedging other positions (so they don't care), others are scalping. Very few shareholders are in stocks for the long haul and thus have an interest in correcting this.

    Perhaps part of the reason CEO pay has gone up is because trading has become more prevelant and access to equity markets has been improved. None of us can take down McKesson's CEO's comp. But a large insitution with long term horizon can and they are less relevant than they were 30 years ago. Now it's all about hedgefunds who trade on events, stat arb, etc. or discount brokers catering to us.
    #22     Nov 16, 2011
  3. Record payouts for Frannie and Freddie Mac CEOS.
    #23     Nov 16, 2011
  4. The cyclic bear in energy prices, which allowed the debt bubble to form.
    #24     Nov 16, 2011