I'm posting this in the trading section to let everyone know that elitetrader(Baron) has now gone too far. He has censored Def, the most active poster on this board, and made it so that Def can't answer any more questions. WHY??? Do you have to pay money and advertise on this board just to be able to post??? This sucks.
http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=4294 Are you sure it's Baron, who is imposing his will on the boards? It could be the moderators? or maybe the sponsors themselves have administrative privileges. Look before your leap, with any accusations.
Baron runs this website. So if he's giving in to the moderators or the advertisers the responsibility still lies with him.
http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3621&highlight=Market+Wise This thread was censored like crazy. Not to mention Baron's glowing praise of Market Wise. BTW, Ron Mayer is Nassar's instructor, which he failed to mention in his praise of his own company. http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3621&perpage=6&pagenumber=3 (page 3 of the same thread) Notice how Nassar says, "On a note that is constructive.."
Is there a way for us to know if anyone besaides Baron can remove posts, and who they are? Could it be the posts are being removed by biased people without Baron's knowledge?