Censorship on Elitetrader?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Vinny Gigante, Jan 10, 2003.

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  1. nkhoi


    jem, wake up.
    #21     Jan 11, 2003
  2. white17


    ...In my post about the censorship poll I was trying to point out that the originator had left off the choice of;

    "I don't see any censorship"

    It was not a statement one way or the other. BTW, great post on mid-east history.
    #22     Jan 11, 2003
  3. Lobster said: "Why will it not hurt a 13 year old to see thousands of people shot to death, tortured, stabbed, blown up etc as it be normal every day life?"

    My assertion that Christianity fits the label "death cult" is along the same reasoning; that I consider it psychologically unhealthy for children to be raised from birth under the ever-present shadow of a graphic depiction of a torturous form of sadistic execution. This is a gruesome morbidity that cannot be psychologically healthy. Children should be raised with positive images of life, not terrifying images of death.

    How can people not notice that? Answer: (it's a mystery).
    #23     Jan 11, 2003
  4. You are clearly a person with extensive detailed knowledge and excellent abilities to convey that knowledge clearly and thoroughly.

    I have complete confidence that you yourself are far more capable of examining the historical facts and drawing the clear parallels between Hitler and Bush than I can ever hope to do.

    What I can tell you is that the mentality and ideologies of these two psychopaths are identical. Just the names and scenery have been changed, but it's the same plot and the same dialogue.

    Hitler: seized power by blowing up the German parliament, or whatever that building was, replacing the democratic government with his dictatorship. Hitler gained influence by writing his hateful book in prison.
    Bush: seized power by vote tampering (what a coincidence that the governor of Florida happens to be Bush's little brother, huh?), thwarting the legitimate American democratic electoral process. Bush has stated more than once that he wished he were the dictator of America rather than the president. He should be writing a book (if he knew how to write) from prison, which is where he belongs along with all those who colluded in the serious treasonous act of swindling a presidential election.

    Hitler: used jingoistic excessive patriotic flagwaving (swastika) in the name of national unity to keep Germans distracted and suppress any and all dissent. He called his world-dominance plan the "New Order" and rallied Germans with his xenophobic dogma about The Fatherland.
    Bush: used jingoistic patriotic flagwaving (stars & stripes) in the name of national unity to keep Americans distracted and suppress any and all dissent. Both George Bush Sr and Jr have spoken about America's dominant role in the "New World Order", and Bush's xenophobic dogma is crystallized in his policies about The Homeland.

    Hitler: used paranoid scapegoating to unify Germans through manufactured hatred. It's "Us" against "The Evil Ones". Hitler stirred up racial hatred of the Jews, the Gypsies, the Slavs. Called his alliance the Axis.
    Bush: uses paranoid scapegoating to unify Americans through manufactured hatred. It's "Good vs. Evil". Bush stirs up cultural hatred of the Afghans, the Iraqis, the North Koreans. Calls them the Axis Of Evil.

    Hitler: odd little mustache
    Bush: Remington electric razor

    Yeah, Bush hasn't killed 11 million people. "Only" a few thousand so far. But neither had Hitler in 1935, two years into his regime.
    George is doing his darndest to follow in Adolf's footsteps though.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    If you think Christian abuses are all in the past, what about Bosnia, what about Northern Ireland, as handy top-of-the-head examples. What about the political dominance and genocide of the Bosnian Moslems by the intolerant Christian Serbs? Surely your distaste for Moslems doesn't justify in your mind the situations where Moslems are the victims of genocide at the hands of Christians? Surely Milosevic's brutal genocide of Moslems and Croats was not somehow less horrible than Hitler's genocide of Jews and Gypsies, just because the ethnicity and numbers of the victims were not identical.

    Such inappropriate argument would reflect poorly on you.
    #24     Jan 11, 2003

  5. vinny if censorship were a problem on ET you would have been gone a long time ago. :)
    #25     Jan 11, 2003
  6. All censorship is bad ...
    #26     Jan 11, 2003
  7. no it isn't...
    #27     Jan 11, 2003
  8. And why might that be?
    #28     Jan 11, 2003
  9. I have nothing against censorship on ET, as long as I get to be the censor.
    #29     Jan 11, 2003
  10. 777.... LOL...
    #30     Jan 11, 2003
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