CDF's and equities

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by 221bazookas, May 7, 2018.

  1. The title is a bit short changing my question: Im trying to invest with CFD's in a company that is listed on nasdaq but can't find if they have CFD. How does an investor find if there is another way to invest in a company without having to buy their stock? I looked into ETF's and even though there plenty of them, not one I found included this company. This company is listed in Nasdaq.

    Thanks in advanced...
  2. It depends on the cfd broker, if they have cfd on the stock. I would not recommend you to trade cfd, because of the conflict of interest between you and your broker.
  3. Thanks, and yes Ive been reading on that part of mm taking the other side. So just stick to the index I guess?
  4. henry76


    I often trade cfd's with interactive brokers and have few problems.( hard to notice the difference with underlying stock trade).
  5. Have you tried trading trading CFDs on opening and/or closing auctions?
  6. henry76


    No , I don't think you can trade after hours with cfd's at interactive , not sure about the auctions , I use the algo a few minutes before close , I also often trade underlying stock , atleast within trading hours the costs seem very similer to me .
  7. Thank you for your answer. You cannot trade premarket og after hours. However, you can trade the auctions.

    The reason I ask is that I saw a post here on ET a while back with the problem that some CFD auction orders wasn't filled. I just wanted to check wether that is a common problem. But since you do not normally trade through auctions, you do not have that problem.
  8. If you are talking about index futures, no problem. If it is cfd index or something similar, they will cheat if you are profitable. What happend to me was when i traded danish stock cfds with them was, if i made a order to buy 1000 cfds that order would change a position of 10000 cfds. Same will happend when i tried to close a position of 1000 cfd suddenly i was short 9000 cfds. Other thing that happend was if the position goes against me i wouldnt be able to close the position either by when i press sell to close the position and nothing will happen or by the order entry box would simply disappear when the position go against me, so i have to call them to fix, by then my loss would always be huge. I ended up closing my account after 5000$ loss.
    I had similar problems when i traded cfds and forex with oanda, my stop loss wouldnt trigger price will go through my stop loss without triggering it, platform disconnection if i have open position and stuff like that. Do yourself a favor and dont trade with a bucketshop.
  9. henry76


    I can't speak about Oanda , but certainly U.S. stock cfd's my experience with interactive doesn't resemble yours.
  10. That's pretty rough! That's pretty shady stuff, have your tried doing some kind of consumer report with whom ever certified their broker license? That's a significant amount of moola.
    #10     May 8, 2018