Cattle…. CO2…. Methane

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by BKR88, May 22, 2024.

  1. BKR88


    murray t turtle and traderob like this.
  2. mervyn


    no summary in writing so it is a clickbait.
  3. BKR88


    A 3+ minute video that can be reduced to 2 minutes with play speed adjustment is too long for you?
    Sounding like Max.
  4. mervyn


    not directly at you but yes, even 1 minute is too long is the subject can be concisely summarized. but it is what it is, not sure he is right or he is wrong.

    have you been to chino hill in la? even after at least 60 years plus modern development, in the morning mists you still can smell cow and horse shit because it was a livestock area for hundreds perhaps thousands of years.
  5. Overnight


    Way more methane is released from the ocean (from the dead fish creating crude oil) than your local cow paddies.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  6. gwb-trading


  7. %%
    AND never mind the 60 million bison that used to live in USa LOL??:D:D
    Control freaks are trying to control.:caution::caution:
    BKR88 likes this.
  8. Overnight


    I missed this bit yesterday. Just because you smell shit does not mean there is methane. It is odorless.
  9. BKR88


  10. Overnight


    Sorry man, your rancher there is a moron. He talked a lot but did not say anything.

    #10     May 29, 2024