Catastrophic Food Crisis 2009

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by glennku, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. Quote from logikos:

    It's always easy to ask this question when it is somebody halfway across the world who dies.

    No more easy than sitting on a forum and moralizing others to your beliefs.

    Any person who dies is somebody's son or daughter, mother or father, sister or brother, best friend, etc. A death never occurs in a vacuum... somebody else is affected.

    Death is a part of life. Your only problem is accepting the truth of it. it is not unfair when people die. Whether by nature or by God, this is the reality of being born - it is 100% fatal.

    In your scenario, you wish a heavily overpopulated world, with every pristine natural area plowed under to plant crops, with no wildlife or ecosystems, an Earth devoid of beauty because it is wall to wall people. Gorillas, elk, whales, redwoods - all only existing in the meories of those who lived when they still existed. Go see Soylent Green - it is the inevitability of your twisted viewpoints. The dead were processed into food wafers, as oceans were dead and there was not enough food


    I would never want to be in the position to decide who is worthy to eat, and who should just be allowed to die.

    But you DO put yourself in the position of deciding who is worthy under your high-handed self-appointed judgeship of making people guilty of crimes that they did not commit.
    #21     Mar 11, 2009