Cash tbond data

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by just21, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. just21


    Do you know of any sources for cash treasury bond data eod?
  2. just21


    I want to chart the spread or basis with futures. It can be done on cqg and I presume bloomberg. Does reuters eikon do this? Any source of eod data so I could do it in a spreadsheet?
  3. just21 likes this.
  4. Begbie00


    Any reputable historical EOD providers @ a CUSIP level? The Treasury site above only goes back to 2009, and it seems as if the WSJ version no longer allows historical data pulls.

    I don't have access to CRSP (which would be an option), and I can't find the relevant Tullett Prebon feed that might work.