Casey Anthony not guilty, wtf?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Artful D0dger, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. pspr


    Whoa - Wait a minute.

    Eight, you are telling us that you killed someone and spent time in juvi detention for it, getting out when you were 25? Then your family and friends disowned you and you had to go find new friends? Then you couldn't get a job because of your past so you learned how to trade for a living? Who are you?

    #41     Jul 6, 2011
  2. Max E.

    Max E.

    The main reason this one became such a big deal, was because that heartless cunt Nancy Grace latched her tenticles onto the story early, she covered the story basically every single day for 3 years, and she had casey anthony convicted on her show already, judge, jury, and executioner.

    I would have loved to be in the room with Nancy Grace, when Casey anthony was found not guilty, i bet there was smoke billowing out of her fat nostrils.
    #42     Jul 6, 2011
  3. Maverick74


    Thank God the jury doesn't have access to cable TV during the trial.
    #43     Jul 6, 2011
  4. Yes and let's thank Jesus too.
    #44     Jul 6, 2011
  5. Maverick74


    God is more PC.
    #45     Jul 6, 2011
  6. Your right, and with the intelligent design movement soon we'll be saying thank ID.
    #46     Jul 6, 2011
  7. Max E.

    Max E.

    Yeah, no kidding, my sister was into this case big time, and every time i would go visit her during the day she would have Nancy Grace playing, i couldnt figure out who i wanted to shoot more, casey anthony, or Nancy Grace.
    #47     Jul 6, 2011
  8. BSAM


    If the jury would have had access to, I'm sure a different verdict would have resulted.
    #48     Jul 6, 2011
  9. Unless of course she get a million dollar book deal and moves to europe. Then her life will be just dandy.
    #49     Jul 6, 2011
  10. LEAPup


    Yes, but you've gotta consider that these sheeple are in a State where they aren't always smart enough to be able to punch a hole beside the name of the liberal dumbocrat they want for President.

    Murder 1, the State couldn't prove.

    Murder 2, the State 'could' prove from the chloroform found in the car, 85+ computer searches for chloroform, neck breaking, etc., the decomposed body that was in the car despite tot moms skank mom cleaning it, and missing the DECOMPOSING hair, + chloroform. THEN, the damned jailhouse video tapes of her mom saying, "some people say Caylee drown in the pool," and skank whore saying, "imagine that," meaning, the drowning notion is pure garbage, speculation. Well, well, looks like she decided to find a trash lawyer to accept that exact story, and present exactly that. Yep, her daddy is a piece of shit, and so is her mommy. That DOES NOT mean she is allowed to get away with Murder in the 2nd degree!!!!!! Her judgement will come mhen she stands before God. After all, what a person does to God's children is what is done unto him...

    Could the state prove aggravated child neglect, you bet your ass!

    If my Son were missing for more than 90 minutes, I'd be getting my AR-15 out, calling the cops, flipping out, etc., This little whore got a tattoo in "espicola":D saying the "good life." Then the little skank danced her ass arond stripper poles, and screwed all kinds of guys for 31 days as her little girl was "missing." Give me a fuc*ing break!:mad:

    Guess Jay Lenno was right years ago when he called the sunshine state FloriDUH...
    #50     Jul 6, 2011