Carter's War Against the Jews, Abandoment of US Principles & Religion for Arab $$$$

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by BernardRichards, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. Eight


    I would not be so entirely certain about this one.. I worked with an Iranian Electronics PhD... his name was.. wow, I can't recall that... Mortazabi.. yeah, I called him Mort all the time and due to that I can't recall his real first name.. Maybe it was Said... but he was brilliant... demonstrably brilliant, solved things in a couple of weeks that teams of Engineers had spent years on... he was a Marxist, hence he didn't live in Iran... but probably not a Jew hater generally, sometimes on a case by case basis one can find a Jew to hate though... anyhow he told me that he saw the cell phone proposal from RCA and he knew radios, he had an Amateur license when he was a kid.. so he recognized instantly that it was a lousey way to do it, he submitted his proposal that involved FM and power level feedback signals from the cells to adjust the phone power for full quieting commensurate with battery life and voila... the cell phone industry was born.. he said that all he got out of the deal was that he got to work on one of the chips in the Motorola chipset.. maybe those Jews stole his intellectual property? He never mentioned that but he recounted the story to me several times like he was reliving a bit of unpleasantness.. and maybe he had been a good Marxist and not wanted the intellectual property.. it's possible, he was like that...
    #41     Sep 20, 2009
  2. I really can’t understand why the US would want to critique the UK as we are a frontline partner with the US in many areas ( and that’s boots on the ground dying together kinda partner) the only issue the US had with the UK was over Suez where they were a little tetchy for a bit.
    #42     Sep 20, 2009