cars that i owned

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by blackstormcap, May 5, 2012.

  1. toyota soarer 430
    peugeot 308cc
    peugeot rcz
  2. zbojnik


    Honda Civic
  3. [​IMG]

    I had a 47 chevy pretty much started out like this one. Fixed it up then sold it. Not my forte, just bought it on a lark. something to do while I drank beer. My dad cracked up when he saw it, from his generation. Not going to pick up chicks in that, no matter how shiny the paint.
  4. Lucrum


    69' Chevy Impala
    79' Chevy Chevette
    85'(?) Jeep Cherokee
    91'(?) Jeep Wrangler
    80'-85'(don't remember)Porsche 924
    99' Jeep Wrangler
  5. [​IMG](anyone know why the picture doesn't show directly in the post?)

    This was probably my favorite. '99 Impreza had over 500whp - real fun to drive. Also had an '01 Impreza, an '02 from Japan, a '96 Legacy...and a 91 Jetta I got for free:D

    ...haven't owned a car in years and miss it.
  6. KastyG


    What a lineup of junk. Only name there worth a crap is "Porsche" and you even managed to faak that up (924, pffft)
  7. no clue

  8. r-in


    Rabbit GTI
    Toyota Celica
    Taurus (salesman days car)
    Cavalier(Amazingly enough the best car repair bill wise. Only time I had it in was under warranty for a plug missing in the a/c system from the factory. Had 110,000 when I got rid of it.)
    '00 Windstar(Almost killed me. Got recall notice for a possibility of a part breaking in the front end causing loss of control. The notice came 1 month after the part cracked and sent me into a ditch. I was lucky enough to have just turned out of a driveway so was going 10-15 miles per hour. Tons of recalls, and problems over the course of 12 years and 122,000 miles)
    '08 Accord Coupe(wifes actually)
    Honda Odyssey
    '08 Triumph Sprint ST(two wheels)
  9. am i correct that Toyota didnt sell the Soarer line outside of japan? it is the pre-lexus line, it was cheap and is still my favoriate car.
    #10     May 6, 2012