Career move Prop to Corporate?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by et31, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. as for buy side firms from what I hear they like to steal people from other buy side firms and of course a college degree helps to a lesser degree(no pun intended) depending on how long you've been out of school.

    #21     Jun 8, 2004
  2. Truer words were never spoken.

    The top "trader" is usually a Fidelity butt boy.
    #22     Jun 8, 2004
  3. Scalp,

    Yeah, true true. Prop trading is unfortunately not looked upon very well in the corp world.

    Sometimes, I wondered if my life would turned out differently had I stayed in the corp world vs going to prop trading. PT has its ups and downs. Many a heartaches before becoming successful.

    just trying to be honest here.

    Don't be all rosy about prop trading. Yes, it's cool to be independent and do however you like.

    But you gotta understand people who want to raise a family or got other financial obligations that come every single month will NOT find prop trading that desirable. Most people here on ET including myself are probably single male with little obligations. But once you get married and kid(s) come in the picture, things aren't as simple.

    Sure, if you have a valid strategy and an incredible edge, then prop trading is like heaven. But if not, it is hell of the worst variety.


    #23     Jun 8, 2004