Career as options trader

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by TradingPilot, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. Hey Guys.

    I'm still in college and I have been trading options since last year. I truly found what I love.

    My trading style is mostly spreads and my time frames are at least 2 weeks to a month.

    When looking at jobs for option traders in Chicago I only see algo and market making jobs. Are there any firms that do my style of trading or any trading besides market making in the Chicago land area I cant seem to find any!

  2. Most financial institutions have lots of money to manage, so options don't provide the needed volume.

    Options are often TOO leveraged for institutions.

    Unless you sell puts on stocks you'll want to own. Worst that can happen is that you get assigned the stock.
  3. Citadel buys and sells alot of options.
  4. rosy2


    because they are a market maker. its very automated.
  5. I must have no hope!!! lol