Card class for a poker card

Discussion in 'App Development' started by blueraincap, Nov 9, 2019.

  1. revised

    * Card class represents a playing card of 52 faces differing by values and suits.
    * Each card contains two variables, namely value and suit.
    * A card's face is defined to contain 2 elements, which are structured as arrays, with value in [0] and suit in [1].
    * Values are encoded in [2, 14] with Ace/King/Queen/Jack as 14/13/12/11.
    * Suits are encoded in [1, 4] with Spade/Heart/Club/Diamond as 4/3/2/1.
    * Getters available to read a card's face as defined codes for computational purpose or as strings for printing purpose.
    * @version 1.0
    * @since 2019-11-10
    public enum Card{ //declared in ascending order of regular cards (enum uses declared order as natural ordering), so can be sorted without a Comparator (recall enum cannot implement Comparable)
      AceSpade(14, 4), AceHeart(14, 3), AceClub(14, 2), AceDiamond(14, 1),
      KingSpade(13, 4), KingHeart(13, 3), KingClub(13, 2), KingDiamond(13, 1),
      QueenSpade(12, 4), QueenHeart(12, 3), QueenClub(12, 2), QueenDiamond(12, 1),
      JackSpade(11, 4), JackHeart(11, 3), JackClub(11, 2), JackDiamond(11, 1),
      TenSpade(10, 4), TenHeart(10, 3), TenClub(10, 2), TenDiamond(10, 1),
      NineSpade(9, 4), NineHeart(9, 3), NineClub(9, 2), NineDiamond(9, 1),
      EightSpade(8, 4), EightHeart(8, 3), EightClub(8, 2), EightDiamond(8, 1),
      SevenSpade(7, 4), SevenHeart(7, 3), SevenClub(7, 2), SevenDiamond(7, 1),
      SixSpade(6, 4), SixHeart(6, 3), SixClub(6, 2), SixDiamond(6, 1),
      FiveSpade(5, 4), FiveHeart(5, 3), FiveClub(5, 2), FiveDiamond(5, 1),
      FourSpade(4, 4), FourHeart(4, 3), FourClub(4, 2), FourDiamond(4, 1),
      ThreeSpade(3, 4), ThreeHeart(3, 3), ThreeClub(3, 2), ThreeDiamond(3, 1),
      TwoSpade(2, 4), TwoHeart(2, 3), TwoClub(2, 2), TwoDiamond(2, 1);
      private byte valueAsCode; //numeric value codes
      private byte suitAsCode; //spade, heart, club, diamond codes
      private String value; //numeric value
      private String suit; //spade, heart, club, diamond
      private static final String[] valueDecoder = new String[]{"*", "*", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace"}; //for converting values in codes to values in strings
      private static final String[] suitDecoder = new String[]{"*", "Diamond", "Club", "Heart", "Spade"}; //for converting suits in codes to suits in strings
      private Card(int valueAsCode, int suitAsCode){
        this.valueAsCode = (byte)valueAsCode;
        this.suitAsCode = (byte)suitAsCode;
       * getter for the card's face in strings, for display use by caller
       * @return 2 elements String array with [0] for value and [1] for suit
      public String[] getFace(){
        this.value = valueDecoder[this.valueAsCode];
        this.suit = suitDecoder[this.suitAsCode];
        return new String[]{value, suit};
       * getter for the card's face in author's defined codes, for computational use by caller
       * @return 2 elements byte array with [0] for value and [1] for suit
      public byte[] getFaceAsCode(){
        return new byte[]{this.valueAsCode, this.suitAsCode};
    #11     Nov 10, 2019
  2. I have a C book but I know i shouldn't learn it first what should i learn I've considered C but i think their must be much more languages below that.
    Any recomendataions to what scripting languages i should learn?
    #12     Nov 19, 2019
  3. For what purpose do you want to learn a software language? The answer to your question depends on the purpose.
    #13     Nov 19, 2019