Carbon Credit Offsets for Individuals??

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by marketsurfer, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. Remember that next time you throw something out the window of your car. The truth is, if everybody just took a bit better care of their small place, wherever they may be, the world would be a much cleaner place.

    Seriously, we have some real problems that need attending to and pissing away money on carbon credits isn't top priority.

    Let's start with education! How about this, no more money to the nations colleges, they have more then enough already, time to fund gradeschools and high schools, and create endowments for them.
    #51     Apr 7, 2008

  2. What you are missing is this is the FREE MARKET at work--- if you don't like or believe in the offsets, DON"T BUY THEM. It's not a tax, in fact, the carbon offsets is preventing MORE GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION in this space. Seriously, Luddites, get real!


    PS. i guess you know more THAN ALL THE SCIENTISTS IN ALLL THE COUNTRIES THAT PASSES KYOTO. are you out of your mind?
    #52     Apr 7, 2008
  3. NTB


    There is so much ignorance here on this subject it is laughable. You WILL be paying to reduce pollution in one form of another (govt tax or credits). You WILL likely be trading carbon in the very near future (if any of you are traders). The decision has been made, it is not up for debate. It is happening and you don't realize it yet. Most of you people just don't understand the gravity or the real solutions to this problem.

    Thanks for the lively debate. Nobody is trying to scam anyone, people are making money yes, but that is natural in a market in it's infancy. The masses are not educated yet and don't really see what is happening around them. You will all learn in a number of months or years about this market and you should come back to this thread to see how silly you sounded. No offense, good discussion though.
    #53     Apr 7, 2008
  4. Please spare me your arrogance. This line of thinking is so truely typical of the snooty liberal (not saying you are one, just how rampant their arrogance is). This "WILL" happen, you "just don't understand," etc. etc. is exactly the type of bulldozing I mentioned in my previous post. Ideas are not open for debate; you used these very words. Once the greenies have an idea--however socialist in concept--ramrodding it through legislation and creative power grabs is the only outcome they will tolerate. Once convinced that a cap and trade system is necessary for the masses, it WILL be a stepping stone to a tax. And I will oppose that to the death.

    That TAX will be used to create more global-government big brother entities via the UN. That's why most of these studies and reports originate from agencies ensnared by the UN's tentacles. Al Gore will literally not even DEBATE scientists who oppose his view. That is fact. He understands the scam better than anyone.
    #54     Apr 8, 2008
  5. NTB


    It is a fact that the NYMEX Green Exchange has launched to trade Carbon offsets. It is a fact that all the current Presidential candidates support the Cap and Trade model. When i say you WILL be doing this, it is not out of arrogance, it is merely out of what is actually happening in the world in terms of legislation, market creation and political support for the effort. I understand your distaste to someone saying you WILL do this or that. However, the horse has left the stable and that is the only comment I am trying to make. It is no longer an academic discussion, the wheels are in motion with the powers that be and right or wrong, it will happen....
    #55     Apr 8, 2008
  6. Then we are on the same page....
    #56     Apr 8, 2008

  7. Are you a member of the John Birch Society per chance?

    The fear of anything new and the UN is classic JBS.

    #57     Apr 8, 2008
  8. No, I'm not.

    What are your thoughts on the possibility of one global government overriding sovereignty of individual nations?
    #58     Apr 8, 2008
  9. PaulRon



    Global Warming is a fucking hoax. The IPCC is a fucking joke made up of government scientists. Sure the media and government has accepted CO2 global warming theory but the scientific community can <b>easily</b> refute this theory. No, Al Gore, the debate is not over. I will do my part not by reducing my carbon footprint but by informing my friends and family of this manufactured lie. Power to the people.

    #59     Apr 8, 2008

  10. ok, thank you.

    as an anarcocapitalist, i hate all government intervention.

    however, i see no difference of supression by individual nations or a world government. free markets and corresponding free movement of capital anywhere in the world is what i support-- be the government one world or many individuals-- matters not to me.

    with that said, having a clean world via the free markets is a beautiful thing---regardless of global warming or not--- i dont know if its real, nor do i care, however, i do KNOW that carbon credits fund projects to clean the world with capitalist incentive. not sure why the hate...

    to freedom,

    #60     Apr 8, 2008