Carbon Credit Offsets for Individuals??

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by marketsurfer, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. agmccall


    I have never bought a carbon credit, I am not that stupid, They are meaningless.

    For your information I did something that makes a difference. I put up a wind turbine that supplies all the energy I need to run my home. but, I did not do it to save the planet, I did it to save me money!!!

    The Idea that buying credits is something we can all do now is BULLSHIT,

    Why don't you go to amazon and buy, The Great Global Warming Swindle, and while you are at it buy Global Warming vs Global Governance.

    I personally do not care what you do with your money, I just do not like to see the American people get screwed out of their money.

    Is it true that Ignorance is Bliss
    #31     Apr 6, 2008
  2. NTB


    It would be great if we could just save money by adapting an environmentally friendly lifestyle (as you claim with your wind turbine) and still maintain the same quality of life. Maybe in some cases that is possible.

    That said, most environmentally friendly enhancements such as solar power, hybrid vehicles, etc. are more costly (without government or credit supplements) and often provide us with a standard of living less than we have become accustomed to in the past. That simply will not sell to the public. People are generally not do-gooders on their own without incentive (especially economic) to do so. The other alternative is government will simply institute a pollution tax and they will engage in the same projects to reduce emissions and tax the public to finance the costs. I for one would prefer the private sector's greater efficiency and track record of handling this sort of regime change. Pay the government on a mandated basis or pay the project developers in the form of credits. One way or another, it is going to happen. The Cap and Trade model has a track record and SO2 and NOx are actively traded. The program worked as created and run by the private sector.
    #32     Apr 6, 2008
  3. agmccall


    The whole problem is the Premise

    We are to believe that carbon, As natural as water, is destroying us. I do not believe that. And, if anybody would do a little research you would come to the same conclusion.

    People claim that selling carbon offsets work, is just plain bullshit. If you truly believe that Carbon is destroying you then stop creating it. The problem is you won't! Nobody will! We will all create more, and the stupid will buy carbon offsets and say "whew, I just did my part, where are the keys to my Hummer."

    Like I said before, if you believe in it, then invest in it, but don't buy empty promises so you can tell everybody how green you are.

    It is really sad seeing how pathetic society has become. There is so much that could and should be done, but no, we just buy a carbon offset and all is good. What next, buy a calorie offset when we go out to eat in order to remove the guilt because you did not get off your fat carbon infected ass and help feed the hungry on Thanksgiving.

    Carbon is not the problem, ignorant sheeple are the problem.
    #33     Apr 6, 2008
  4. my offer stands, send me $100K and I'll plant a tree for anyone so they can feel better about themselves...

    chunk your Prozac in the trash, feel good is just one wire transfer away....
    #34     Apr 6, 2008
  5. NTB


    agmcall you're correct, this is the problem:

    The whole problem is the Premise

    We are to believe that carbon, As natural as water, is destroying us. I do not believe that. And, if anybody would do a little research you would come to the same conclusion.

    That said, 100's of scientists agree with you and hundreds more do not agree with you. The fact is, nobody really knows but it is more than just a wild goose chase. It is a real possibility and scientists believe they have hard evidence to prove it. Could they be wrong, absolutely! In fact, I myself am not 100% convinced one way or another. I don't think anyone actually can be that convinced either way, we don't have perfect knowledge.

    The key is what I said before. The cost of taking action now and cleaning up the environment has little to no downside (other than making a few people rich). The upside is a cleaner, healthier world if Global Warming is bullshit- so what, we've still done good and cleaned our earth. However, should your little belief be wrong and the hundreds or thousands of scientists who feel that Global warming is real and caused by marginal additions of man-made greenhouse gases, the cost would be enormous if not deadly to our planet or life as we know it. This does not effect you or I, this effects our future generations. I personally have seen enough persuasive arguments to feel that it is a real possibility. If you are a trader, you know that you don't take catastrophic risks that can destroy you. It's a trade with little to no downside with tremendous upside if in fact we are able to reverse or slow this process and save our earth. You can see the changes around you in a significant way during our lifetime. I just read that a huge chunk of glacier in Antartica broke away. Things are happening, weather patterns are weird, natural disasters are occurring more readily. Now either you think God is punishing us for our evil sins or there is a global warming issue- I vote the latter. I could be wrong but it won't cost me much if I am- it certainly will the other way around.
    #35     Apr 6, 2008
  6. just in CASE global warming not bullshit, I will still need $100K for the tree, in fact I'll give a discount for 2 trees. only $190K

    and of course other volume discounts will apply, just so AlGore can fly over the forest in his Learjet to rejoice that the planet is in good hands..
    #36     Apr 6, 2008
  7. NTB


    You probably could make way more than $100k to plant trees if you cordon off enough land and plant enough forest to significantly reduce CO2 from the atmosphere. People are doing this every day. Just do it in a Kyoto country and make your application to the United Nations to approve your methodology. You can sell those credits to any number of companies in Kyoto compliant countries for way more than $100k depending upon how many trees you plant. 1 tree, you get a pat on the back and a thank you.
    #37     Apr 6, 2008
  8. bathrobe


    Selling carbon credits is the equivalent of someone paying you to be miserable and uncomfortable. Silly for home, not so silly for large corp. with large building.
    #38     Apr 6, 2008
  9. NTB


    No idea what you are talking about?
    #39     Apr 6, 2008
  10. Ok damn it....

    I'll drop the price to $185K and I'll throw in a bird feeder...

    offer is good for 1 week, or until AlGore's Learjet gets out of maintenance...

    or Pelosi's 737 uses french fry oil for take off....

    last offer...
    #40     Apr 6, 2008