Car insurance and parking tickets

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by hapaboy, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. I just got a parking ticket for a meter violation for the first time since I can remember.

    My driving record is clean.

    Do car insurance companies raise your insurance if you get a parking ticket? I can't imagine that they do, just want to get some feedback from those of you with more experience with this.

  2. No they don't. They only raise insurance for moving violations. Even then, because of stiff competition, many of them are forgiving one time citations/accidents.

    You should be aware if you plan on not paying the ticket.... Some states are sick of getting stiffed on parking fines because until now they really haven't had the ability to enforce payment. There hasn't really been any recourse for having an unpaid ticket. Now some states have authorized a dilinquency on your credit history. So an unpaid ticket might show up when you apply for a loan.
  3. Thanks, Cache. I fully intend to pay the ticket. I appreciate the info.
  4. No. Only moving violations and wrecks (claims).

    HOWEVER, there are other things that can have a dramatic effect on what you pay. Most importantly, your credit rating! Has a major effect nowadays. I switched to State Farm recently, and my insurance broker said they prolly wouldn't even look at my driving record except to see that I had a valid license. Seems that a good credit rating correlates better with future driving risk, and visa versa. I guess its a responsibility thing.

    Being over 25 helps too.
  5. ===========
    Some , like State Farm give more di$counts if you have homeowners or renters insurance with them. And reduce premiuns for years of safe driving.

    Makes sense for them to look at your;
    credit report, zip code [and debt levels, for homeowners] they are in risk business:cool: