Can't log on mobiletws

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by luisHK, Dec 19, 2018.

  1. luisHK


    Just fwiw, noticed the market diving while Powel was talking and now can t log back in mobiletws. Using wifi or 4g. Is the system saturated with the market panicking ? I didn t plan to place Any trade but another lousy night on xmas holidays. Wondering if other posters got problems with their connection.
  2. luisHK


    Still can't connect. Highly unusual.
  3. d08


    Everything fine on desktop TWS and Gateway.
  4. mob.png

    Seems like just you fortunately (well unfortunately for you, but fortunate that it's not a system wide thing)
  5. luisHK


    Yup, might be a local issue, Glad I don t have to close positions urgently, still not working. Restarting phone didn t help.
  6. Hmm I am in Oceania though and connect to HK servers too.
  7. luisHK


    In Oz atm, Also using HK servers. The connection gets stuck at this point. Time for breakfast... Not good start for the day. Congrats to all short term traders who manage to profit from such markets.
  8. luisHK


    Managed to log in Just now, after market closed. Suspect the system has been under extra pressure.
  9. TD issues session ID's valid for 12h or so... on a busy day it's a good idea to log in before the crazyness starts just to be able utilize that session if needed
  10. d08


    Could've been a network routing issue. A few weeks ago the whole of Japan was unavailable for me. This stuff happens.
    #10     Dec 19, 2018