Cannabis - A Wonder Drug?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by aeliodon, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. sounds like your confusing lack of communication with "porn addiction" (as if we are not all hard wired to want sex)

    this needs to be done before your married.

    for example if you like porn and the person your dating says that its evil or bad and doesn't want to watch it and you should not either than simple, don't marry them if you plan to ever do it again. Its no different than 10 million other things that can piss the other person off. (spending money on things the other person doesn't want money spent on comes to mind)

    feeling hurt because the other person watched porn is a symptom of not having an open and honest relationship not the cause of it.
    #31     Oct 6, 2008
  2. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    I pretty much agree with everything you just said. I've often wondered, given the obvious lessons of Prohibition, why is it that we create markets that allow two bit thugs to become powerful multimillionares(sometimes billionares), and honestly the only thing I can think of is that it's creating more money someplace else. If they legalized all drugs tomorrow, and released all drug offenders from prisons you would then probably have to close down 2/3 of our prisons and fire at least half of the police forces and 3/4 of the probation/parole officers in this country. Thats a lot of government work that your asking the government to get rid of. It will never happen, there is too much money and corruption on both sides for our current prohibtionist laws to ever be revoked.
    #32     Oct 6, 2008
  3. Finally, an intelligent thread ... too bad it had to be about a recreational drug that people mainly use to chill out and have good sex. :p
    #33     Oct 6, 2008
  4. I tried trading in the pit a few times after smoking weed back in the early 80's. I lost the spread relationship in my cognitive thought process. My thinking was so slowed down, my bids and offers were way off the inside market. Any edge was gone. On those days, I turned into a human ATM machine. I liked trading against people who were stoned.
    #34     Oct 6, 2008
  5. I'm not arguing "for" or "against", but I've heard if we legalized drugs, our banks would literally go broke within 3 weeks.
    #35     Oct 6, 2008
  6. Pekelo


    Maybe this could be turned into a positive strategy by taking the opposite of the trades. So hire a guy, let him smoke weed while trading and fade his trades!!!!
    #36     Oct 6, 2008
  7. ElCubano


    yeah right....lets take a look at them lungs :D
    #37     Oct 6, 2008
  8. I second that Bro....there are "hospitals" or rehabs for drugs, booze and gambling, but you don't see rehabs for sex/porn addicts..yes there are meetings that one can go to...but....they are like hidden....yet biggest problem that a man can have is fornicating, which results in....Peri already said it. :(
    #38     Oct 6, 2008
  9. I'll admit it: I was high (at least on the open) virtually every day I walked into the Bond pit. I used to fire up in the car on my drive downtown. Pot caused a few distinct effects on my trading.

    1. My feel was very, very good. Just like when you're high and listening to music you'll pick up on a bass line below the surface-that riff you almost ignore when "straight"-I'd get a really good groove figuring which way the pit was leaning.

    2. Because I suffered from anxiety (you would too if your swings were 10-200k a day :)) pot helped me relax and trade freely.

    3. Pot caused me to suffer HUGE discipline lapses. A sane person looks at a loser and thinks, "get me the f out!". I'd instead say "chill P, it'll come back. ADD to it." Real bad recipe.

    I quit smoking for about 10 years. During that span my trading SUCKED. A couple of years ago I started up again-just a little-ONLY at night-usually while I'm charting and thinking through market scenarios. My trading has since improved night and day. I hate to say it but the pot does allow me to open my mind to possibilities that I'd probably "write-off" as too bizarre if I wasn't high.

    Let's face it, if someone had said several months ago (as I did) that the banking system will be bailed out by Congress, people would've rebutted, "Get off the drugs! No way will we break that hard!!!" :)

    P.S. I do no other "drugs" (well lots of coffee) and I rarely drink alcohol.
    #39     Oct 6, 2008
  10. At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself if people should be sent to jail for buying, selling, using or possessing weed. Personally, I can't see it.
    #40     Oct 6, 2008