Cancel Crash -- documentary of the 1987 October meltdown

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Pekelo, Sep 22, 2017.

  1. Pekelo


  2. IamBlaze


    Thank You!
  3. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    fordewind likes this.
  4. That's an old documentary, kind of. -- I watched that years back on Youtube.

    That kind of thing, as mentioned in the documentary, is basically an impossibility to happen in today's marketplace environment.
    Today's modern environment and variables are way bigger and dynamic and efficient.
    But it's kind of fun to reminisce of the past's simpler times -- kind of like vintage antique watches.

    I wouldn't get too obsessed or scared of these kind of events, they are truly One of a Kind,

    Look into the future, o_O
    Make Trading Great Again, Pekelo
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2017
  5. Pekelo


  6. Awesome buy AMD at $11 and 30yrs later you're at $13!jk lol IBM keeps falling and it'll be the same thing. What was the ticker P back then?
    vanzandt likes this.
  7. vanzandt


    Give it another week and AMD will be there again.:D
    Thats a damn good question on P.... I looked all over for a historic database link and couldn't find anything.
    I wanna say it was JC Penney's, but I might be wrong.
  8. tiddlywinks


    Phillips Petroleum Co.
    Today Conoco Phillips (COP).
    Superstar2317 and Robert Morse like this.
  9. Thanks! It was tougher to find then I thought it would be and only when I clicked on a Wikipedia page about stock symbols did it say P-Pandora's ticker was previously Phillips Petroleum. Guess I should have checked this first before researching. How did you find it? Thanks again!
    zdreg likes this.
  10. JackRab


    I haven't seen this doco (yet) but are you saying that a crash like that is not going to happen nowadays? You're dreaming mate...
    Flash crash? There are breakers in place... but still... I don't see why it can't happen. I've seen plenty of shit happening during GFC...

    Even if breakers mean the market will not open for the rest of the day... or maybe the exchange determines that it should be closed for a few days... if shit really hit the fan... the next opening rotation would take a few hours and it will massively gap down hitting break after break... so, no real difference besides daytrading effects.

    Also, they can be 'one of a kind' but you can definitely get hung out to dry. If you get caught off guard, having a few long futures on... or even thinking this is a good moment to buy... and you wipe out.

    In a case like this, if you want to take a little bet on upside, it's better to buy some calls.
    #10     Sep 24, 2017
    Pekelo likes this.