Are any of you actually trading with a U.S. prop firm ? If so, what kind of visa did you get? What category did "daytrader" fall under? What firm will hire Canadians? AX
I plan to start trading with Bright (in Vegas) in May. I will be using, probably, maybe a "TN VISA" Which is a visa for professionals I am a CMA - below is a link which outlines that visa - depending on your background you may qualify.
I too, am planning on starting at Bright in Las Vegas in the late spring. I could just jump in my car and head out west but legally, I have some concerns. First, I thought for the INS to issue you a visa the sponsoring company has to pay you a minimum SALARY of $37,000 USD per year. More importantly you have to prove to them that you aren't stealing a job from an American. Also, the job can't be solely commissions based. What category does "trader" fall under in the NAFTA agreement? And as a CMA, I don't see how this qualifies you, since you are not taking a job as an accountant. AX
The "TN Visa" are for temporary non-immigrant workers - unlimited one year terms- I do not believe the salary limit applies nor does the stealing of a job apply. The TN Visa falls under NAFTA. This is the easiest and cheapest VISA to get and there are no limits on the number that can be issued either. I do not know if daytrader would qualify but you could call the US state department or the INS - maybe you could a fall under management consultant or the like. I hve an email into Don Bright asking about Visa's I will let you know what he says. As far as the earnings go, what you earn at Bright is partnership earnings, not commission as far as accounting goes there are many accountants that work in the treasury departments of firms trading currency etc. so I do not see me asking the impossible and besides most CMA's do not do classic "accounting" anyway most are in industry.
The "TN Visa" are for temporary non-immigrant workers - unlimited one year terms- I do not believe the salary limit applies nor does the stealing of a job apply. The TN Visa falls under NAFTA. This is the easiest and cheapest VISA to get and there are no limits on the number that can be issued either. I do not know if daytrader would qualify but you could call the US state department or the INS - maybe you could a fall under management consultant or the like. I hve an email into Don Bright asking about Visa's I will let you know what he says. As far as the earnings go, what you earn at Bright is partnership earnings, not commission as far as accounting goes there are many accountants that work in the treasury departments of firms trading currency etc. so I do not see me asking the impossible and besides most CMA's do not do classic "accounting" anyway most are in industry. Sounds good to me. I was also thinking that I could fall under the management consultant title or the like. Here is a thought for the future; What if your successful down in the Las Vegas Bright office and decide that you don't want to return to Canada. Canadians can't apply for a green card while under temporary status. Good luck, AX
Bright trading has a firm in BC Canada, Why do u have to go to vegas to trade and worry about visas when they have a branch in Canada?. You need to have your series 7 to qualify. the phone # is 604-539-8700 address is 108-20486 64th Ave langley bc. good luck
There is something to be said about moving out West to the desert. But Seriously folks, 1) to escape the oppressive tax rates of this socialist country 2) to trade along, and be trained by the Bright Brothers, Earl, Tony, and their other company superstars. 3) no state taxes in Nevada 4) Sunny and warm vs. rainy and cold. 5) Vancouver has the highest suicide rate in Canada. This combined with daytrading is probably not a good mix.:eek: 6) Las Vegas hookers 7) and desert golf courses. Hey Don! Maybe you should use this list as an advertisement in the Toronto newspapers. AX