Canadian Politics Ndp/liberal Party Set To Hijack Prime Minister

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CowboyBlue, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Your post is a marvel of deductive reasoning. I bet the Reps are glad to have you. I know I'm glad they have you. But aren't you wasting time here when you should be tracking down Obama's birth certificate? You go, girl.
    #11     Dec 3, 2008
  2. Well, wait a minute, is somebody in a froth, or not?

    Wasn't somebody in a froth?
    Or is everybody now denying they were in a froth?

    And if they were, would that make them frothy, or actually just a bit foamy?:confused:
    #12     Dec 4, 2008
  3. The majority of the popular vote didn't vote for the Conservatives.
    Having the conservatives rule, and then call that a democracy is much more stupid than calling a coalition of parties with a higher popular vote combined, undemocratic.

    It is democracy.
    #13     Dec 4, 2008
  4. Congrats on not adding any substance to any thread ever. I don't know how you do it.

    Your parents or teachers must of been stupid as hell.
    #14     Dec 4, 2008
  5. This and the OP are a bit hysterical, IMO. Firstly, this is legal and constitutional. Second, Stephen Harper has run the PMO like his own personal fiefdom from Day 1, starting with his announcement that he would not speak to reporters, ever. He is an arrogant megalomaniac who cares nothing for the country.

    No one here mentioned that Harper personally included a clause in his budget outline which ended funding for the other two political parties. This is the equivalent of telling the rest of the country to fuck off. That's what precipitated this.

    Harper was screaming 'Separatist' for the past 72 hours and now calmer heads are pointing out to him that Quebeckers are not exactly amused, and that he is at risk of ruining any progress that the Conservatives have made in Quebec. Please remember, it was fallout from Meech Lake that led to the 1995 Referendum which saw the country 1.5 percentage points away from splitting up.

    Having said all that, I agree that this coalition is ill-conceived. The Liberals would have us believe that although they had the knives out to chop off Stephane Dion's head the day after the election, pronouncing him unfit to run the party, they now want him to run the country. Dion looked very bad in Question period this week, and that commercial he ran was bizarre to say the least.

    You have to wonder what Harper said to the GG to make her grant the prorogue! Harper knew he was toast without it.
    #15     Dec 4, 2008

  6. Ah, so they were "A bit hysterical", not in fact frothy or foamy.

    I don't keep an eye on canuck politics as such (who would, its godawful boring) but this has been building for some time IMO.

    I was astonished by the seperatist vote, baffling, but even more by the number of snap elections recently-a sure sign, the system has ground to a halt.

    Parliamentary democracies have massive drawbacks.
    #16     Dec 5, 2008
  7. HAHAHAHAHA he ended a clause which means that i dont have to pay out of my back pocket for political funding. You see a problem with this????

    It is very easy to decipher who is profitable on this board and who isnt, as "unprofitable losers" like tradernik love the thought of pissing away my hard earned dollars on bullshit politics.

    #17     Dec 18, 2008
  8. Wow... I sometimes forget how fucking stupid some of the people on this board are.

    Did I say anything about my feelings re: public funding of incompetent politicians? No. What I said is that that the cut in funding precipitated the formation of the (bogus) coalition. The majority in the country saw this as Harper thumbing his nose at them. They felt that he should have asked them whether they favour the elimination of public funds for the Libs and the NDP. And they're right. If the majority favour elimination of funding, eliminate it. You know they won't. I didn't say fuck-all about what I think about it. If you had read any of my past posts, you'd know what I think about wasting money in that way.

    I understand that reading comprehension probably isn't your strong suit. Perhaps you can consider doing a night course, if you can move to one of the bigger cities in your area.

    Despite your getting all hysterical and claiming that Dion 'is now our Prime Minister', nothing happened.
    #18     Dec 19, 2008