Canadian end-of-day options data

Discussion in 'Options' started by bjw, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. bjw


    does anyone know of a vendor that sells end-of-day options data for the Montreal Exchange? we all know there are countless sites offering US options end-of-day files for download, but I can't seem to find one for the Canadian market that does so at a reasonable rate. Thanks for any suggestions!
  2. Kirkx


    You will find them below, look for "quotes", "daily ASCii files". It will cost C$6/month. You would need to download the file every day. There might be some third party software that allows downloading data for multiple dates.

    If you need real time quotes, then MyTrack (Track Data) is an affordable feed. MX quotes will cost about $35/mo and you can also hook up MyTrack to SierraChart charting software, which has Excel compatible spreadsheets.
  3. bjw


    thanks Kirkx! i've checked out the stockwatch-offering and unfortunately their data-set is incomplete to the purpose i want to use it for. i don't need real-time date, just a daily file with closing prices, volumes, etc.

    are there any other vendors anybody knows of?