Canada arrests CFO of China's Huawei Technologies

Discussion in 'Politics' started by dealmaker, Dec 6, 2018.

  1. gwb-trading


    China: "Hey Canada - we can also arrest your citizens on fabricated grounds and hold them until your meet our demands."

    Canadian ex-diplomat 'held in China'
    BBC link --

    Wonder why the Chinese executive for Huawei is suddenly out on bail.
    #11     Dec 11, 2018
  2. Keep in mind though that -I believe- she just got bail so that she can be out while the extradition case is heard in Canada so she will be down at Tim Hortons tomorrow morning rather than meeting new people in the slam.

    However, if/when she is extradited to the US, she then has to deal with the American court in regard to whether she is able to be out on bail while the entire case is in process- which could be a years. Trying to skip out of the country in Canada while on bail for the short time that the extradition hearing is in process would be a very dicey move, because if she is not able to successfully flee then her actions will create the basis for denying her bail if the Americans get her in custody.

    Do whatcha gotta do girl. Choose wisely.

    Most likely Justin Trudeau will show up at her house while she is out on bail just to take a few selfies with her, and to award her the Canadian Royal Victorian Medal and to make it clear that Canada would never disrespect her multiculturalism the way the Americans will because we are all Chinese regardless of where our ancestors came from or how long we have been here.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
    #12     Dec 11, 2018
  3. JSOP


    Just shows China is nothing but a POS stupid coward and a bully!! The arrest warrant was issued by an American court, the b**** was arrested for a charge under the American criminal law, she was arrested by Americans and yet they go after a Canadian?!! WTF!! Canada doesn't give a s*** about this b****. Why don't they dare to arrest an American? An American diplomat? An American businessman? All they know is how to bully the weak and go on bent knees in front of the strong.

    And I can't believe Canada just released the b**** on $10 million. That's pocket change for her. She should be released on at least $100 million. And honestly if I am a Canadian I wouldn't even release her now that China has decided to play the bully game by arresting one of my own and I won't even consider her bail now until the Canadian is released. Canada is spineless too in that aspect. And the USA, WHY are they not extraditing the b****??!! She violated the American criminal law so why is she still not in America on trial instead sitting posh in her own home??!
    #13     Dec 11, 2018
  4. Cuddles


    Canada should've double check that arrest order and made sure it was legitimate enough. Plus if the Canadian system has bail in the books, why should she be denied due process?
    #14     Dec 11, 2018
  5. JSOP


    Country leaders nowadays are all POS, all spineless, no guts! I guess there is only one Churchill...
    #15     Dec 11, 2018
  6. JSOP


    Well if that's how the USA wants to play it if Canada always has to check the "legitimacy" of the arrest warrant (not arrest order) every single time that it needs to execute it, then there would be no more Canada doing errands for USA in the future. That would be a concern for USA. Canada is pretty much the only friend that USA's got left.

    And btw you have no idea what does the term "due process" mean so I would suggest you not to throw terms around when you have no idea what they mean. It makes you look like your idiot friend @Jzwu2017 from the other thread. LOL
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
    #16     Dec 11, 2018
  7. The west needs to stop doing business with china. They'll take your secret tech and sell it to countries like iran and north korea. They will not obey any intellectual property or patent law. And if they're building anything for you, expect spyware.
    #17     Dec 11, 2018
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  8. Cuddles


    Don't be salty cuz the Chinese play better chess
    #18     Dec 11, 2018
  9. Cuddles


    Whatever happened to going long on BABA?
    #19     Dec 11, 2018
  10. This is true. Nevertheless, having agreed with that, Sheriff Trump's administration has clearly gone after her for Iran sanction violations, which the previous administration definitely would never have done. And woe be unto China if she suddenly shows up back there without the permission of an American court that she can be out while her case is active. Nope, that dog don't hunt. Not the way to get a good trade deal with China. Trump will get his bail by having Munichan sieze all the companies assets for sanctions violations, the ones he can get his hands on here or via out allies anyway. Would not be pretty.

    #20     Dec 11, 2018
    Arnie and viruscore1 like this.