Can you use your losses to lower your capital gain tax?

Discussion in 'Taxes and Accounting' started by cashclay, Aug 2, 2021.

  1. cashclay


    I have read you can however only up to 3000 usd worth? Is this true or am I just getting very confused?

    Also what if I happened to lose more than I win in a year?
    Does that mean I dont pay any taxes on my wins ?
    Sorry Im a noob and taxes are so confusing to me
  2. Overnight


    You are asking complicated questions, so you should seek a complicated accountant.

    It basically goes like this...

    If you have, for example, 20K in capital losses in a year, you can claim a max of $3000 of capital loss for that year, and the balance of the losses can be carried forward each year, at $3K per clip, until your losses are drained. It is a shitty system, but it is what it is.

    (And by the way, it is "gain or lose", not "win or lose". This ain't a darn lottery.)
  3. cashclay


    jesus! thats so annoying. It really is a shitty system.
    So what I dont understand is if i have to pay capital gain tax on what I won minus the 3000 usd max allowed for losses, what happens next year?
    If i dont trade the next year, will the govt refund me on 3000 usd max loss tax I file?
    Because I already paid the full amount of capital gains the previous year but yet couldnt deduct the full amount of losses on it.
  4. Overnight


    This is where the whole "Seek a complicated accountant" thing comes in. Seek a CPA, and not this forum.
  5. ph1l

    So losses in the same year as gains offset the gains.

    No, the $3,000 carried over losses offset income, so it's more like a deduction and not like a tax credit.
    smallfil, MoreLeverage and cashclay like this.
  6. s trader

    s trader

    This is my take. Capital loss offsets capital gain fully. Any loss leftover gets deducted against wages income up to 3000.
    MoreLeverage and cashclay like this.
  7. cashclay


    This sounds much more reasonable.
    So for ex. if I have gains of 20,000 and losses of 10,000 then I pay taxes only on the 10,000 gains.
    Is this how youre thinking as well?
  8. Overnight



    Assuming you are a USA taxpayer, the ramifications of getting it wrong can be severe. NOBODY on this forum is a tax guru. All we can do is give guidance on what we experienced, but everyone's tax liabilities are different. You must seek professional help in your state of residence, unless you live in a state that has no state income tax.

    YOUR tax situation is unique TO YOU!

    Aside from that, seek one for the nasty Fed return. Run like hell from this section of the forum if you are seriously earning money, dude. Trust me.

  9. Yes exactly. You don’t need a CPA to tell you the basics of capital gains. It just following the tax instructions on the 1040 and associated forms.
    #10     Aug 3, 2021
    cruisecontrol likes this.